Hello! My name is Kurt Holtfreter and I am a historical martial artist who wishes to share information and perspective I have gained through training, experimentation of arms, and research. As a martial artist, I am looking to bring connection to the practitioner and the art. Studying the arms and armor of the 14th century Europe, I have learned the importance of being able to move in the foundation of my body and not wear myself down in the process; a lesson, mind you, that I had to learn the hard way. I, like many, had many misconceptions of the medieval practice of arms until I started to formally study the fundamentals. This channel is hoping to present a different perspective and enhance ones understanding or practice. Whether you are well practiced or simply interested, I hope you will find my interpretations of the functions, mechanics, and concepts of medieval arms and armor rewarding to watch. Thank you for stopping by and as always; train well and fight on...