Zolar X - A tale of triumph, tragedy and inter-planetary travel...
The novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald said “There are no second acts in American lives,” but he had not yet encountered Zolar X, a band bigger than America. Bigger even, than earth itself.
Their forty year-plus career is one of the great untold stories of modern pop culture – one of glamour, glory, chemical abuse, comebacks, imprisonment, near-hits and close-misses. Let’s rewind...
Hollywood, Los Angeles. The dawn of the 1970s. Zolar X arrive fully-formed, as if from another planet. Clad in costumes including antennae, skin-tight body suits, Spock ears, moon boots and matching silver helmet-shaped haircuts they certainly look as if they have existed in an alternative sphere. Speaking in their own invented language that they call Zolarian who is to say they are even human? In a city of freaks, Zolar X immediately out-freak everyone.
[Read the complete bio at www.ZolarX.com.]