Channel Avatar

Primordial Paper

25K subscribers - no pronouns :c

This channel is devoted to AMVs of RWBY (for the most part).

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Primordial Paper
Posted 6 days ago

I know Iā€™ve built up my channel pretty exclusively with content about Fairy Tail and RWBY, and that thatā€™s what most of you guys subscribed for.

But both of those series (as much as I enjoy them) are admittedly past their prime currently, as evidenced by the view count on my 2 latest videos.

If I was to branch out and begin making videos for other shows, maybe more current ones, would you guys like to see that?

Iā€™ve already got some possibilities in mind, but let me know if thereā€™s a particular anime or show youā€™d be interested in me using.

45 - 19

Primordial Paper
Posted 4 weeks ago

I should probably explain the reason my latest AMV didnā€™t have the song in the title.

Last month, after almost 10 years on YouTube, my channel was officially monetized. As part of that, I started looking at services that offer the ability to use copyrighted songs for a licensing fee.

I was already halfway through my Hope AMV when I found the site I currently use, Lickd, which is partnered with various artists to allow for the use of their songs on YouTube for a fee. They have a rule, however, that stipulates a video cannot have the name of the song in the title, since it would essentially be using the artist to gain more views or traction on a video to feature their name in the title.

Believe me, I know it looks weird to just have ā€œRWBY AMVā€ with nothing else as the title, but Iā€™d just like to see where this goes in terms of earning money. My editing software has a yearly subscription, after all šŸ˜….

Iā€™m not going to be changing the way I do anything on this channel as a result of this, save for the issue with the title of my videos, but I wanted to give you all an explanation as to why my last video was titled the way it was.

Iā€™ll be taking down the poll for the song in my next video tomorrow, and then Iā€™ll get to work on my next video!

44 - 3

Primordial Paper
Posted 4 weeks ago

Hey guys, now that I'm back in business, I wanted to get your feedback on which song you'd like me to make a video with next!

These are the options I've been considering, I'll leave this poll open for a few days to see what gets the most votes.

13 - 3

Primordial Paper
Posted 4 weeks ago


30 - 7

Primordial Paper
Posted 1 month ago

This just in: I have a Ko-fi page!

I started this channel, and started making videos, purely as a fun hobby to do in my spare time. I never thought of it as anything remarkable, or imagined I would find the incredible support and viewership that I have now. Iā€™m beyond grateful to everyone who has subscribed and watched my videos and put up with my chaotic upload schedule.

However, due to the nature of my content, I donā€™t receive the sort of monetary compensation that other channels with the same amount of subscribers get, which is just the way copyright works.

So I thought Iā€™d institute this Ko-fi page as a way for people to show their support directly.

If you donā€™t have the spare funds to donate, thatā€™s totally fine. Iā€™m only presenting this as an option for anyone who feels inclined to offer what they can, when they can, should they so choose.

Regardless, I still appreciate everyone here, and look forward to sharing more content with you all in the new year!

Until then, Merry Christmas!

16 - 3

Primordial Paper
Posted 1 year ago

Hey everyone.

In case you havenā€™t heard the news, it was announced earlier this week that Rooster Teeth was officially being shut down by Warner Bros, effective in about 60 days I believe.

Naturally, I was gutted when I learned this. I honestly had dreamed of one day working at RT after graduating college. Itā€™s beyond disheartening to hear that they will no longer be able to create the kind of content and shows that Iā€™ve been enjoying for more than a decade, and my heart goes out to all the people who will soon find themselves out of a job due to this.

That being said, we have no concrete knowledge on the fate of RWBY, or rather, its future as a whole. I know theyā€™re looking to try and sell the IP in the hope of continuing the story, which I think is the best we can really hope for.

As truly upsetting as this news is, I want to make it clear that my love and passion for this show has in no way diminished. I have no plans to stop making RWBY AMVs (despite my lack of recent uploads) and Iā€™ll do whatever I can to support it should the creators find some way to continue.

The message to ā€œkeep moving forwardā€ is one of the most important aspects of RWBY, and came straight from the man who started it all. I can only hope to honor that request, along with all the incredible people Iā€™ve met over the years as Iā€™ve been a part of this community.

For those of you who subscribed to my channel because you too love this crazy, fantastic show, thank you all, and take heart.

60 - 6

Primordial Paper
Posted 1 year ago

I thought Iā€™d do something a little different, and show you guys a supercut of the various previous versions of my latest AMV. 9 in total, made over the course of about 2 months of editing. You can see what scenes were added first, what got changed, and the various stages I go through in my editing process.

(PS: It goes from left to right, top middle and bottom in order of progression, except for the center screen which is the latest version.)

4 - 0

Primordial Paper
Posted 1 year ago

Iā€™m curious: would you guys like me to post shorter edits in between my major projects, or would you rather I just stick to only posting the big stuff?

(Also, I should let you all know, Iā€™m most likely going to wait until Volume 9 is over before posting the full video from the earlier short. I need the rest of this Volumeā€™s footage before I can finish what I started šŸ˜…)

19 - 2

Primordial Paper
Posted 2 years ago

The news that Volume 9 is coming out this month really gave me a boost in motivation, such that Iā€™m nearing completion on my latest video. Itā€™s another song Iā€™ve been wanting to use for ages, that I finally decided to just go for it and make a video with.

Who else survived RWBYā€™s most extensive hiatus to date?

41 - 6

Primordial Paper
Posted 2 years ago

Less than 2 hours left until the new year here in Michigan!!!

Conversely, Iā€™ve got about 40 seconds left to edit in my remake of 20% Cooler. Itā€™s certainly been a challenge, finding time to work on it between my job and all the holidays lately, but Iā€™ve got to say, Iā€™m really enjoying myself making this one.

Iā€™m confident Iā€™ll be able to wrap this up before classes start again next week.

Have a happy New Year everyone!!!

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