in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Trouble pursuing your goals? You find yourself drifting?
This book written back in 1938 might help you figure out why.
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Stephen Covey's most famous work "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" is based entirely on Natural Laws. Synergy (Habit 6) is achieved only by successfully practicing the first 5 habits of: Proactiveness, Begininng with the end in mind, Putting firsts things first, Thinking win-win, and Seeking to understand before being understood.
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Conscious Music for 2024. Song about Natural Law?
Sure why not. What are your thoughts on the song?
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Are you in a universe which is ruled by natural laws and, therefore, is stable, firm, absolute - and knowable?
Or are you in an incomprehensible chaos, a realm of inexplicable miracles, an unpredictable, unknowable flux, which your mind is impotent to grasp?
The nature of your actions - and of your ambition - will be different, according to which set of answers you come to accept.
- Ayn Rand
It is not by prayer and humility that you cause things to go as you wish, but by acquiring a knowledge of natural laws.
- Bertrand Russell
There are principles that govern human effectiveness - natural laws in the human dimension that are just as real, just as unchanging and unarguably there as laws such as gravity are in the physical dimension.
- Stephen Covey
We may be either the suffering slaves of nature or the happy masters of her laws.
- L.W. Rodgers