In August of 2016, out of 60 original contestants, David was named The Metropolitan Room's 2016 MetroStar Talent Challenge winner. His cabaret show, Unexpected Surprise, won the 2018 MAC Award for New York Debut-Male as well as a 2017 BroadwayWorld Cabaret Award nomination for Best Debut Show. described the show as "...clever, funny, inventive, and very entertaining. In addition, he has a robust and beautiful tenor voice..." David made his New York Cabaret Convention debut in October of 2018. praised his "excellent countertenor" while said "his tenor...has charm, his performance great expression."
On Broadway, David originated the roles of Antonio, Big Paquito and Latin DJ in On Your Feet. He also originated the role of Piragua Guy in the 1st National Tour of "In The Heights".