If you're reading this, I want you to know that God loves you. How do I know this? Because "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
Jesus came to earth so that He could be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. What is sin? Sin is breaking God's law. All of us have sin (Romans 3:23). The price to pay for sin is death (Romans 6:23). Jesus didn't want that to happen, so He took our place and offered the free gift of salvation. It is available to all who will receive Him.
If you confess your sins and trust Him as your Savior, God will forgive you of your sins (John 1:9) and will make you a child of God and give you eternal life.
If you have any questions or want to know more about Jesus, please PM me and I'll see what I can do.
- Sara