No content on this channel :c try Try Looking at shorts maybe lol :p
Dear Ethiopia, to all the followers of Samira YouTube all over the world, I want to say hello to all of you. You will always find jobs, work, national issues and religious teachings on Samira YouTube.
ááľ Ethiopia á áá á áá áááľáá áá á¨á°á፠ááąáĽ á°á¨áłáá˝ ááá˝áá á°ááá˝á ááĽááá áĽáŤáአá á á á°á፠ááąáŠáĽ áááľá á¨ááááĽáá˝á áľáŤáá˝ ááá áľáŤ áááŤá ááłáá˝á áľáá áľáá
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