ピアノ演奏、料理、折り紙、めだかの飼育、ぬいぐるみ、愛犬紹介、DIY ミニチュア、コマ撮りアニメやストップモーション、工作、購入品紹介 etc……
Welcome to Maririn & Aririn Channel!
Maririn is High school freshman. Aririn is Junior high school freshman.
and Rickey is pet dog.
We will continue to challenge while enjoying the things you are interested.
Playing the piano / Cooking /Origami (fold a piece of paper into figure a origami) /Medaka (breeding method of japanese killfish (ricefish) / Pet introduction/DIY Miniature / Stop Motion / Hobby Work/
Amusement arcade/Purchase introduction/Recommended spots/
etc ……
Please subscribe to my channnel! And if you like it, please thumbs up!
チャンネル登録 youtube.com/c/MaririnAririnChannel
ツイッター@MaririnAririn twitter.com/MaririnAririn
インスタグラム www.instagram.com/maririn.aririn.channel
楽天ROOM room.rakuten.co.jp/room_bff1d0d171/items