This Is Angelclaudy93's Back up account guyz..^^'' So feel free to add me and sub me...Just in case x'DD Thanks you so much for all your support Btw..;D Ily
// Name : Kla
// Age: 16
// B-day date: 06/12/93
// Love β₯: Kaylalicious x3 She's the One and the only 8D
( Damn Bish You Delish TM ) x3
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.ΒΈΒΈ.β’*(*.ΒΈ.β’*Β΄β₯`*β’.ΒΈ.*)` *β’.ΒΈ.ΒΈ
α¦*α¦*α¦I LOVE MY Subscribers AND friends^_^
ΒΈ.ΒΈ.β’*(*.ΒΈ.β’*Β΄β₯`*β’.ΒΈ.*)` *β’.ΒΈ.ΒΈ
*jumps up all chibi-ly* Eeeettsss Kaylaaa bisshh 8D Ohmigosh first hack. I'm so honored *o* Klaaaa, or as I personally call you, my Klalapop :3 Where do I start with yew hmm o: First off, you're a wonderful friend. I really have enjoyed our fb chats that has ultimately brought us closer together. Uahaha I believe we have the longest fb comment chat thingie ever and I know it will continue to grow 8D (If we stop replying late all the time x.x) You're uber cute and I love how we can tell eachother anything. You're editing is amazing and it really portrays your personality: colorful, beautiful, and exciting.... We've been friends for almost half a year (o.o) and I feel I've known you for sooo much longer... I really look up to you and treat you like a sistarrr :3 I wish I could speak Italian like yew, but I'm so thrilled we both know Latin xDDD I only expect greatness out of you Kla, you're truly an amazing bish 83... Love you bunches β₯
- xxierogirlxx :3
{Damn Bish You Delish TM} ;3