Rawat Electroplaters -Here you will get such videos which will increase your skill and increase your knowledge.
All types of Zinc Electroplating and metal finishing job work in Faridabad Haryana (india)
We have been providing electroplating services since 1996. Here you are being provided all the services and facilities related to metal finishing.
1 White Plating
2 Blue trivalent and ultra Blue plating
3 Blue Trivalent plating
4 Yellow chromot
5 Yellow Trivalent plating
6 Yellow Red Trivalent plating
7 Green plating
8 olive darab (Green) Plating
9 Barrel plating
10 Rack Plating
11 Acid Zinc Electroplating
and so on.
High quality
Affordable prices
On time-every time
Since 1996
If you need quality related plating then welcome to RAWAT Electroplaters.
Call us- 8700710086
Mail.- rawatplater@gmail.com
Website- www.rawatelectroplates.com
Address- Plot number- 425, Sector-58 Faridabad ,Haryana
Thank you 😊