YO WELCOME! My Name's Nu Double N Or Nunn Heres a little about me! ★★★★★ ☮ 🔥🔥
im a autistic mc/songwriter/rapper/battler! Iv suffered from mental health issues from birth, iv always loved music but it wasn't untill my father passed in October 2008 I didn't really take it serious until then. Now though I am pushing for recognition due to these reasons and mainly to influence others/ RAISE AWARENESS for those like me that suffer with any mental illness and of course anyone that takes a minute or two out to listen to my music/battles! This will be much appreciated by myself my friends and family! Your also find videos of 💎 my dog & Football video/vlogs i'm a massive ITFC FAN! & FIFA/fc gaming videos If you have a instrumental you would like to hear me rap on? or even a message or subject you feel i should speak off? let me no your ideas an thoughts, all feedback is welcome. Thank you god bless! ✌️