I make gameplay videos of all sorts of games.
This is where I upload the various gameplay videos I record. Usually taken directly from games with little or no editing, and sometimes with music played in the background.
Gameplay videos fascinate me because a person's playing style can tell you about their personality. For example, I'm uncommonly patient and tidy, so in-game, I value accuracy and finesse over speed and sheer effectiveness.
You're welcome to leave a comment in the box below if you want to say hi, but if you want to ask a question, your best bet is to send me a private message. You're more likely to get a reply that way.
No 'sub for sub' or random friend requests, please. I subscribe only if I like your stuff and want to see more of it in the future, and my friends list isn't just symbolic, most of the people on it are people I know and talk to. Don't add me if adding me is all you're going to do.