If you are an artist, author or copyright owner of a song, a poem or an image I put up and would like me to remove it, kindly message me and I will delete it immediately.
I do not claim to own the rights to any of the content I upload.
Videos are for entertainment use only.
Ah, sing, sing without reason!
What in me feels is thinking.
Pour into my heart
Your uncertain, quavering voice!
Ah, to be able to be you, being me !
To have your joyful unconsciousness,
And the conciousness of it !
Oh heaven! Oh field ! Oh song ! Science
Weighs so much and life is so brief !
Enter into me ! Turn
My soul into your lofty shadow !
Then, carrying me away, pass on!
Fernando Pessoa.
[...] Wave follows wave to break on the shore,
On each wave is a star, a person, a bird,
Dreams, reality, death -- on wave after wave.
No need for a date: I was, I am, and I will be,
Life is a wonder of wonders, and to wonder [...]
Arseny Tarkovsky