This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoyce and be glad in it. I commit this channel to the hands of God Allmighty. I dedicate it to the deliverance of the human race who are ready to free their minds from the bondage of captivity created by the devourer of their peace, freedom, happiness, joy, friends and family.
Nonetheless, always remember that the true form of anything good that you desire is found in Christ Jesus and Him crucified. It is so easy to become carried away with the glittering objects presented to us by the world.
This channel will be a source of help to those who connect with its content which will be based on real life experiences taught by God as I navigated challenges faced on this journey.
Therefore, come, join me as I share some thrilling, heart wrenching and exciting content, the knowledge gained and how God increased wisdom as good was found in the most scary of circumstances.
All things do work together for good if you love the Lord.