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Gensokyo Animation Archive

1.2K subscribers - no pronouns :c

This channel is run by fellow fan Kirbologist, also known as

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Gensokyo Animation Archive
Posted 1 year ago

Wow, I'm really thankful to ‪@AspreyFM‬ , not only for using and crediting my restorations for their Touhou memes video, but also for watching and sharing my stuff on their recent Twitch streams! It's an honour to see my small channel gain traction, with so many new subscribers and viewers joining this small corner of the internet. On the same note, I'd also like to give thanks to ‪@Suwawako‬ for using and crediting my restorations in their History of IOSYS video from almost a year ago.

As usual, I won't be posting too frequently, but there are a few more things I have planned for when life isn't as busy. In the mean time, here's some dumb thing that I did with the help of ‪@kasamikona‬ :

AspreyFM's video:
Suwawako's video:

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Gensokyo Animation Archive
Posted 2 years ago

A little early Christmas gift from yours truly: an HD version of the Neko Miko Reimu dance in gif form!

...What, would you not believe me if I said that this is the first time a native HD version of this gif appeared on the Internet T__T? Trust me, go check tenor gifs, Danbooru, Google image search, etc. Until today, you'd only find choppy 360p versions of this gif at best.

To be fair, there is a good reason it took this long. Whatever software Takenoko used to create this animation, it created the most spaghettified swf file ever. Trying to isolate Reimu onto a transparent background and perfectly accurately extract it out turned out to be a total nightmare, especially with how buggy JPEXS used to be. But after spending more afternoons working on this than I'd like to admit, it was technology that saved the day in the end. The JPEXS devs have done an amazing job improving JPEXS these past months, that extracting this gif became a much more manageable task. It turned an almost impossible task into a job that took only a few hours.

There's a few more upcoming videos I'll be posting some time soon, so stay tuned.

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Gensokyo Animation Archive
Posted 2 years ago

Oh would you look at that, I can finally make community posts now O_O. There's a few things I thought deserves to be mentioned, but not deserving enough to be made into a video.

Firstly, you can now play 迷走ポタージュ(Mesopota's) 東方映写録 (Touhou Eisharoku) and 東方籠奴抄 (Touhou Roadshow) on BlueMaxima's Flashpoint 11! Both of these were curated by yours truly, and contain a few minor bug fixes to make the overall experience more pleasant (of course, the original unedited files are still there). Due to being in backlog hell for over a year, a few extra knick-knacks have been found and will be implemented. Hopefully these will show up by the next release of FlashPoint.

You can download FlashPoint here:

Simply search for their names (English or Japanese) in the 'Games' tab to download and play them.

Secondly, you may have noticed that Mesopota's plethora of other Touhou Flash compilations and Flash CDs didn't get curated for FlashPoint. Unfortunately, these other ones either don't fit well with FlashPoint's distribution format, or were made for Adobe AIR, not Adobe Flash. But that's why I included all of Mesopota's CDs on! This is a complete collection that even features scans of the all related material like box art and CD labels.

You can find the Mesopota Flash CD collection here:

Rest assured, I still have many videos I plan on making at some point in the future, so stay tuned.

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BlueMaximaのFlashpoint 11で、迷走ポタージュの東方映写録と東方籠奴抄がプレイできるようになりました!これらは両方とも私がキュレーションしたもので、全体的なエクスペリエンスをより快適にするためにいくつかのマイナーなバグ修正が含まれています (もちろん、元の未編集のファイルはまだそこにあります)。。1年以上バックログ地獄にいたため、いくつかの余分な小物が見つかり、実装される予定です。うまくいけば、次のFlashPointのリリースまでに表示されるはずです。



迷走ポタージュの他の東方Flash作品集やFlash CDがFlashPointのためにキュレートされていないことにお気づきかもしれません。残念ながら、これらの作品はFlashPointの配信形式と合わないか、Adobe FlashではなくAdobe AIR向けに作られたものです。でも、だからこそ、Archive.orgに迷走ポタージュのCDをすべて収録したのです! これは、ボックスアートやCDラベルなどの関連資料をすべてスキャンしたものまで掲載されている完全なコレクションです。

迷走ポタージュFlash CDコレクションは、こちら。


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