in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
sadly i have to work again tonight. Im looking to do a stream sunday instead. i want to try something over the weekend and show my findings which will help as well. Really sorry guys. off work for 9 days after friday so may even do an extra stream next week!
24 - 0
no stream tonight guys. apologies. im having to work overnight and with nothing much changed from last week, theres no point trying to shoehorn a stream into the limited time i do have available.
i will be posting my video tonight about the new bot and i have my video about the new batch ready to watch.
watch out for more videos over the weekend.
thanks apologies and see you next week.
21 - 1
I told you ive been busy... A MASSIVE 25 members videos for my members to watch at their leisure!
Cant see my MEMBERS videos? Consider becoming a member and see all my content FIRST below:
5 - 0
With the lack of any news to report and radio silence from the game team currently in all chats, there wont be a stream tonight. sorry guys. Should be back next week with some news on whats happening behind the scenes and can put everyones minds at rest.
18 - 3
Ive finally caught up with my content and just posted a crazy FIFTEEN new members videos for you to enjoy!
12 - 0
sadly im still ill, so no stream again tonight. really sorry guys. Im looking this week to segregate the interview with the Spaceape community manager into bite sized pieces for viewing.
see you guys next week. :(
14 - 3
Sadly there is no stream tonight. apologies for the late notice. Im quite ill, but wanted to get any news about Raiden out to you guys and that was the only reason i pushed myself to stream tonight.
Dale has been working behind the scenes for the past hour to get my PTaccount back up and runnng. Ive literaly only just got it up and runnng.
Ive had about 5 minutes to test Raiden, which isnt hardly enough, but in them 5 minutes the changes arent enough to change my previous opinion from the last video. i feel theres no need to cover the content again with so little changes and especially when im feeling like crap. sorry guys.
27 - 3
No stream tonight guys as Jake has extra football sessions. Ill work on a producing a few new videos for my members so be sure to check them out.
Also if you havent checked out my interview with the Transformers Earth Wars community manager, then go check that out if you have a spare 3 hours lol. if not, wait until i break it down into segments.
Thanks and see you next week.
27 - 2
This week we'll be doing YET ANOTHER huge giveaway to celebrate the Transformers One release and the franchises 40th anniversary.
We'll be attempting to give not only some of my established followers, but also some newer players some great goodies during stream so share the post around, hit that subscribe button and join me on stream Thursday @ 3.30PM CT
21 - 7
Welcome to the best Transformers Earth Wars Channel for all your latest news, content and exclusives!
Download the game here:…
Join my stream every Thursday @9pm UTC, check out my regular videos and dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!
Im an official content creator for Transformers Earth Wars thanks to Space Ape games.
Im a member of one of the top alliances in the game and have played the game since Beta. I grew from a low level alliance to being one of the best players in the game.
If you like my videos, come check out all the other cool tips, tricks and secrets the top players use to be a beast at Transformers Earthwars.
If you want to help support the channel then do so here:
If you would like to be a MEMBER, join here: