The Hip-Hop Shop is a tv show created for and by the urban youth of today's generation. The show is produced by Bruce Bell & Bobby Earth. Music, fashion, art, and dance are the main focuses of the show. Bobby Earth is the main host. STEEZiLLa is the DJ. Lita Styles is the fashion reporter. Kwame AKA Da Boi Genius hosts the Weekly Callout segment (weekly b-boy/popping/all-styles battles). Regular segments include rap cyphers, dance battles, live performances, booth freestyles, and interviews. Guests include unsigned to indie to major recording artists in and out of the Houston area, streetwear designers, dance crews, and more. The main goal of The Hip-Hop Shop is to showcase hip-hop culture in a positive light by showing that anybody can "Express to be fresh," if they stay true to themselves.
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"Express to be fresh."