Once known as the "Sardine Capital" of the world, Eastport, Maine is located on tiny Moose Island, separated from the Canadian island of Campobello by the blue waters of Passamaquoddy Bay and is the easternmost city in the US. True to its sea-faring roots, to this day, Eastport has a busy working waterfront and the city's architecture remains much as it was back in the 1800's. The Border Historical Society's mission is to preserve Eastport's rich local history, caring for historical items related to the war of 1812 (which went on a few years longer here in Eastport than it did in the rest of the US), and other fascinating items from the past. While you are here, stop at "Quoddy Crafts" on downtown Water Street to purchase locally-made items at reasonable prices. Sales from Quoddy Crafts help to fund our preservation activities.