Welcome! I'm Jess. I am a former public school teacher turned homeschool mom to 4 beautiful girls. As much as I loved my job as a teacher, I was frustrated with the school system and the way they pushed their "one size fits all". education model. I felt sick about how much time I was losing with my own children; dropping them off at daycare at 6:30am - 4pm only to have a couple hours together each night for dinner, bath, and bed. So, I quit my teaching career and we made the change of a lifetime to full time homeschoolers!
I now have a newfound passion to help new homeschooling families make the same change. Here on this channel, I talk about homeschool laws, how to get started homeschooling, how to find homeschool curriculum, and how to establish a homeschool routine. I also give an inside look at our daily homeschool life with vlog style "day in the life" videos so you can see how homeschooling works for our family.