DIY and How-To Video Topics. Explore turning a walnut, cedar, poplar, and paulownia tree into boards with a chainsaw mill cutting guide, troubleshooting a carburetor on a Honda Rancher, creating a blind out of water pipe, working on a 1972 Chevelle, a Subaru Forester, a Nissan Rogue, building a mobile deer blind, working on a Kubota tractor, repairing a washer, fixing a bush hog, building a deer stand, finding ginseng, plumbing repairs, making a mineral block, calling whitetail deer, tanning a deer hide, and working on a skid steer, you've come to the right channel. You can take a chainsaw and build a house with it if you have enough time. I am working on new ideas, and this channel covers many topics to be able to show you how you can do the same thing that I am doing and perhaps save yourself some time and money. Thanks for liking any video and for subscribing to my channel here. I hope you enjoy it. If you have any other topics of interest you'd like to see, just let me know!