Nata meaning dancer;
Champa meaning the fragrant flower of immortality!
Nirtya or dance has been an integral part of the Indian ethos from times immemorial.
The Champa (flower) also known as Champak in Sanskrit, is a cream-yellow mildly fragrant flower that is often used in worship. The Champa tree often found in all temple premises is said to be a favorite of Krishna. All in all the Champa has been an integral part of Indian mythology, culture and history alike. It has leant it’s mild and yet beautiful fragrance to our Indian civilization incessantly over thousands of years. Much like the dances of this land have.
NataCampa is a humble attempt to breathe back Indian Aesthetics into dance and music. Be it in the classical, semi-classical or folk form, NataCampa aims to reinterpret the popular and commercial in a manner that roots us back into the ethos we originate from.