No content on this channel :c try Try Looking at shorts maybe lol :p
傑米博士為台灣到美國工作的新移民 ,目前在美國擔任矽谷工程師,來美國攻讀電機博士班前,在台灣的科技業工作過,深刻體驗了台灣和美國,在職場與生活上大大的不同,加上現在在矽谷的所見所聞 ,希望能分享有用的資訊給大家!
Dr. J is an immigrant from Taiwan. He is currently a hardware engineer in Silicon Valley. Before this, he worked at Taiwanese tech company. He experienced the culture difference between two different countries in technology domain. He likes to share all these interesting stuff to people here.
Life is stressful. Hope to provide happiness and peacefulness to everyone!