REACTIONS MOVING TO (Northern Lights Reactions)
Hello, hello come one, come all!
Not many people enter this weird, dusty, forbidden section of YouTube but hey, here you are, so I might as well say something, eh?
This channel is called Northern Lights for no reason in particular other than that I quite like the Northern Lights, although I've never actually seen them in person... not that they're a person.
You'll be certain to find some music related stuff on here, but who knows what this channel will eventually evolve into.... muahahaha. Probably not much actually. But there you go.
Guitar covers, the odd reaction, hopefully more stuff in the works. If you fancy subscribing, you are entitled to one virtual free hug. But ONLY one, I'm not made of hugs.
Right, rambling over.
Cheers, and see you in one of my videos (I do look back at you through the screen you know... muahaha- OK sorry I'll stop doing that).