"New York New Rock TV (NYNR) is a nostalgic journey through New York City's dynamic music scene, dedicated to preserving the energy of Rock, Pop, Industrial, New Wave, and Gothic live bands that graced the stages of the 80s, 90s, and 2000s. NYNR was an independent television broadcast created for Manhattan Public Access TV, produced by Wolfgang Busch. The show featured iconic acts like Nina Hagen, Gwar, experimental video pioneers Emergency Broadcast Network, Skin N Bones, VON LMO, and Adam Bomb.
Over the course of a decade, Wolfgang Busch captured the essence of over 600 live bands and curated more than 400 TV episodes. Interviews with local legends such as Phoebe Légere, Jon Dunmore, and Larry Mitchell, and renowned artists Mambo King Tito Puente, Joe Cuba, Jose Feliciano, UFO, Robin Trower, Ronnie Montrose, Ned's Atomic Dustbin, Bay City Rollers, and the soulful R&B band led by Ian Neville.
NYNR is a tribute to the rich musical tapestry of New York City.