Miss the old YouTube? Here's what you can do:
1. Adblock. YouTube gets money for having advertisements. If you use adblock, it prevents them from getting money. Keep doing it and once we get enough people, YouTube might notice this and then we can tell them that the changes they made suck.
2. Tell as many people as you can. This can be anyone you know such as friends, family, etc. Tell them to spread the word about the movement as well. Comment on popular YouTube videos about how you hate the new changes. Most people hate them so they will thumbs up the comment. Also be sure to mention my name so that the people who hate it know who's starting it.
Smosh's channel is the most popular channel that still allows comments. Leave a comment like this, "Miss the old Youtube? Come take part in the Anti Beta Movement. Details are on ifYouHateBeta's channel. Copy and Paste this message to get the word out. It's time to put the "You" back in YouTube."
3. Remove anything Google related from your computer. Google is the company who bought YouTube so if they realize that a lot of people hate their "changes", they might do something about it.
4. If anyone tries to troll you, don't act like you're pissed even if you are. Because if you're pissed off at a troll, you're already giving them what you want. Try to talk some sense into them and if that doesn't work, you can either, ignore them or block them.
5. LET THEM KNOW WE HATE IT!!! YouTube has their own channel so we can tell them that we want them to fix these changes they've made. Tell them you want it to be optional. Also, there's a video they made about how to use the video page; dislike the video and tell them that it sucks. Don't just say "fuck you this design is gay". Actually tell them WHY you hate it.
6. Try to keep the comments clean. If anyone in the movement gets banned, that would suck because we need as many people in this movement as possible. If you're afraid of getting your account banned, make a backup.
7. WE WANT THE CHANGES TO BE OPTIONAL!!! There are some people who like the new designs and they would be pissed if they had the old design. So if you like any of the new designs but hate others, that's okay, because we're asking YouTube to give us a choice between the old layout and the new. We're not trying to get rid of it.
8. If someone leaves a comment about how they hate some of the new changes, that they hate the new layout, or that they miss the old YouTube, an