I upload some gameplay videos, mainly of DFO Global of course.
I used to upload some music from Megaman and Boktai.
I play DFO (Global) so I'll see if I can upload videos in my character doing some runs.
My IGN for DFO: Armugogis (Mistress, Main), Rggdromesin (Zerker, Old Main)
I make some visual stuff on this game (you'll notice cut ins in my videos and my HUD which I extracted from an event) they're only visual so there's nothing about hacking of course. And client side only so I see them myself, no one else.
Yeah they're not in the best quality, due to YouTube compression, and also since I play on 4:3 settings, I need a better laptop for better recording. And also a recording program that's at least good enough. Edit July 2021: I now do have a better device, a computer that's moderate, anyways, I also made a new channel profile pic and banner, hope you like it too.