This YouTube account took part in the earliest years of this websites history, offering songs that couldn't be found anywhere else as well as the rarity Final Fantasy XI Epic.
Due to the YouTube crash of 07/08, several video removals, and being sent to YouTube's "copyright school," this account is nothing more than a memento of what it once was. Only a sole video remains of what was once about 25.
I thank everyone who commented on, rated/liked, and favorited my videos. I apologize to the many who loved what I uploaded, those who may have lost touch with someone due to a video removal, and the general discontent I noticed after I had to remove whatever was left myself.
Things have changed so drastically here in the past 6-7 years. And although the communities, YouTubers, and many of the videos I knew are now gone, they won't be forgotten. But along with them goes this channel, save a visit every year or so.