I'm a Russian born musical theatre dancer and the creator of Dance Vital Fitness Method.
It is a combination of the contemporary exercise science with yoga therapy, qi gong and authentic dances. Dance Vital method counteracts wear and tear of professional dance/sports training and builds up the body and its energy for life-long high performance. DanceVital method classes create a holistic athletic healthy sensual body experience, strong corset of connective tissue, flexible spine and joints and beautiful lines and curves. Currently available in Manhattan, there are 3 different classes, based on DanceVital method - NY Gypsy Dance Workout, FemVital and Silk Moves: Fit and Feminine. Examples - in the playlist DanceVital and at www.nygypsydance.com and www.silkmoves.com
Subscribe to my channel to receive Dance Vital tips and suggestions, or to watch my Gypsy Bellydance and other performances..