jc13jach2's New Account
Q: What does your username stand for?
A: Not much.
Q: What software do you use to edit your videos?
A: Sony Vegas 5.0
Q: Accept my friend invite?
A: Yes, ok.
Q: Can i use your video(s)?
A: Ever heard of making your own? and yes that's a no.
Q: Why do you have so many channels?
A: I was very bored, lets just leave it at that.
Q: You suck ass why do you even make videos?
A: Then why do you even watch them to see that they suck?
Q: How do you download your fad sources?
A: www.tubeminator.com/
Q: ur VidEosz sucks u aSsHole
A: Cool story bro.
Q: Sub4Sub?
A: I only subscribe to those who make good quality videos, or have made videos i have enjoyed. So that's a no.
Q: duu haz fayce bok?
A: Facebook is the shittiest of shit i have ever smelt. (I do have fwendz, i do, i do, i'm serious) That's a no. Good day to you sir.
I have this account i got off some website
I'm not the kind of person who cares much if a famous video editor guy rates or favourites my/somebody's video. It's just stupid. YTP creators are just ordinary average people.
Two years ago i wanted my favourite YouTube Pooper/Video Editor Kortez3000/SantaWithTeeth to comment and rate my videos but i have given up waiting for him to see my videos because they suck, i can't make good videos i just don't have the patience i have seen that he rates five stars on videos that are no better than mine. I no longer care!
Err, err, err, hmm, oh yeah, nahhh.