If your new pls sub!
I really want a play button its my dream!
And merry Christmas!
Hope you guys will get gifts from your friends or family!
And im a dragonkin! My theriotype is a cat and a dragon!i always hide my cat theriotype but now you know!
And pls dont jugde my gender im a girl but im gay! Dont ask why i said thatπ
And my YouTube friends are @darkrain.on.paws and @glistenmyfav
And @taitana_the_cat_therian and @solar_on_paw and @jc biaden pls gp sub to them! They really need pls buttons too!
And you can nickname me mythic or mheriel or dark! My girl- i mean friend dragonfrisk just nicknames me dark sometimes but its ok dont ask why theres a "girl-" word π
Andy age is 9! My birthday is in may 9!
Im gonna be 10 when its my birthday im really exited! For my birthday!
Merry Christmas!pls sub to me and my friends!