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Danyon Togia

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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Danyon Togia
Posted 5 years ago

Hi ya'll.

Here's something I wrote on my Facebook the other day.

I truly hope this post inspires others to step forward and open the fudge up.

Back in August of this year, I was planning on taking my own life.

I wrote the goodbye letter and planned out how I was gonna do it.

From an outsiders perspective, they would've thought nothing was wrong whatsoever.

I was still laughing. Still having fun. Still smiling.

But inside, I felt like I was sitting in a pressure cooker 24/7 that was locked from the outside.

It's the weirdest thing, though.

I wanted to do it not cause I was sad or anything.

I'm usually happy as shit.

I wanted to do it cause something really strange was going on inside me.

But we'll get to that story soon.

All I wanna do in my life is be as "me" as I can possibly be.

That's all I wanna do. Be myself.

My number one motto that I vibe with harder than a Samoan vibes with a can of corned beef is Shakespears line from Hamlet:

"This above all, to the own self be true."

But how are you supposed to know who your true self is when ever since the day you're born, you've had things drilled into your head about what to believe in, how to act around people, etc.

How are you supposed to know who YOU really are when you've been told by others who you are from the day you come outta' the womb?

Anywho, here's the story of how everything went down.

Back in August of this year, I felt who I really was come to surface.

And that mother fucker came in stroooooong.

However, the "real Danyon" had to go up against the conditioned Danyon" which is the person I had been for almost 24 years.

My true self was trying to dethrone that bitch.

BTW - Do you know how hard that job is?

Imagine trying to break 24-years of conditionings just because you had a "feeling" from your heart begging you to do so?

(Not to mention that dudes and their feelings go together about as well as peanut butter and vinegar)

This inner war created so much god damn pressure in my head; it was insane. That's why I wanted to pull the plug.

I remember walking around and feeling my true self trying to express it self, but my brain wouldn't allow it.

The conditioned Danyon (the person in my head) was a strong fella.

But my true self, who I am in my heart, is even stronger.

Now I'm at a point where all I wanna do is be as open and as vulnerable as I can possibly be.

And now, I have the inner strength to do so.

Which is why I'm writing this post and sharing my truth.


To anyone who's ever experienced something similar, here's the one thing that helped me the most:


Not just any type of meditation, though.

I kinda just sit down and try my best to allow myself to feel the the sensations in my body.

Any repressed fear, anger, sadness, etc. I just do my best to allow myself to feel it.

Don't "think" your feelings, like I used to do.

Just breaaaathe deep, and focus on the sensations that are going on in your body.

What I find is that the more that I allow myself to feel and let go of any supressed emotions, the better my mental health gets.

The thoughts become less and less and the pressure in my head goes away, too.

HOWEVER, here's the catch 22:

Your brain has probably created ways to avoid feeling this feeling.

And, funnily enough, what I'm coming to realize is that the majority of my life was created to AVOID feeling any uncomfortable feelings (especially fear).

So I literally did almost everything as a form of escapism.

Even "good things" like working, exercising, and eating healthy.

I did this "good shit" not cause I wanted to, but to escape this suppressed fear within me.

And this suppressed fear led me to believe that I wasn't good enough, and so I needed stuff outside of me to complete me.


To everyone else who hasn't experienced something like this, here's some advice:

Don't judge people.

Straight the fuck up.

It's crazy how many people I meet who are SUPER fricken' judgmental towards others.

Instead, do your best to empathize with others.

You never know what's going on in another person's world.

Once again, I hope this inspires us brothers and sisters to step forward and open up.

Talking about your feelings isn't "gay."

It's actually a beautiful thing.

Because of this experience and learning to be comfortable with my own feelings, I can't tell you how much better my life has gotten.

Seriously, it's insane.

Everyday, I woke up saying to myself "how does it get better than this? My life is so gangsta."

And then it does.

I feel like for a loooong time, my life was motivated by fear.

And nowadays, as cheesy as it sounds, it's being motivated by love.

Stay strong, brothers and sisters.

If you need help with this shit, just reach out and I'll do my best.

Much love x.

38 - 9

Danyon Togia
Posted 5 years ago

Hey everyone.

I wanted to share something with you that I haven't told anyone (until now lol).

For the past 7 years or so, my relationship with my parents has been terrible.

For clarity-sake, from their end, everything has been fine. But from my end, it has been terrible.

For these past 7 years, I have felt like I couldn't be my true self around them.

(Fun fact - my true self includes a piss ton of laughing, teasing, eating food, and making lots of sexual jokes that my dad tells me off for)

This is NOT their fault.

It's mine coz I care so much about what they think of me.

Anywho - I thought I could just completely ignore this shitty relationship without any consequences.

But recently, I realized the negative effect that this shitty relationship was having on my mental health.

I'm not a fucking looney or anything (and no offense to the looney's reading this - I love you). But this shitty relationship has caused a piss ton of anxiety for years and years.

But I wasn't aware of this anxiety because it's been like this for so long.

It's kinda like how a fish lives in the sea for so long that it thinks that that's the only way of living.

And when you take the lil fishy outta the water and onto land, it finally has something to compare living in the water too.

I was the lil black samoan fishy living in the water. I thought an anxious life was normal.

Last night, I used my set of nuts that I was born and, although as small as they are, I wanted to end that lifestyle by taking my black fish ass outta' the water and onto land.

While we were at Madam Woos (sidenote: their squid dish is the shit), I decided to tell my parents how I've been feeling about our relationship.

I ended up balling my eyes out at the restaurant which is crackup af.

We talked about our problems at the restaurant for about an hour, then we went home and chatted for another 2 hours; stomping out the problems that I've been bottling up for 7 years.

Last night was the first time in a loooong time that I've been able to feel open, vulnerable, and my true self around my parents.

And I'll tell ya one thing for fuckin' certain, that has helped out my mental health a ton.

What I've come to realize is this:

Not all relationships in life are equal.

The reality is that some relationships are more impactful than others.

And one of, if not THE most impactful relationship that will influence me the most is the one with my parents.

The more that I can work on our relationship, the happier I will feel.

I guess why I'm writing this is coz I wanted to say that fixing my relationship with my parents by being open and vulnerable with them has helped my emotional and mental health instantly.

All the demons that I've stored in the closet for 7+ years have been exorcised. I splashed a gallon of holy water on those bitches.

And now I'm more "me."

And coz I'm more "me," I'm happier.

I hope this helps you.

Love you ma ninja <3

155 - 38

Danyon Togia
Posted 6 years ago

Hey guys.

I was wondering if you'd be interested in seeing full gameplay reviews where I breakdown the gameplay of some of the best junglers in the world, and teach you exactly:

- What they're doing
- Why they're doing it, and
- How you can do it...

So you can get better at jungle and climb the solo queue ladder.

Would you be interested in that?

If so, I can upload a LOT more content (like once per week), because that type of content doesn't take that much time to create compared to my full jungle guides.

If you could, just let me know in the comments below and I'll decide from there.

Thanks bootyfulls ;*

37 - 17

Danyon Togia
Posted 6 years ago

Hey y'all.

Danyon here.

I just uploaded my latest video about 5 minutes ago.

But unfortunately, some things with the audio were a "tad" fucked. So I had to delete it and start again.

Anyways, I'll be reuploading this video in an hour or so.

In it, you'll learn how to climb to Diamond as a jungler.

In that video, I'll teamed up with a few other pro junglers such as TSM's Akaadian, Tarzaned, Virkayu, Inori, and more. We've done our best to create the best jungle guide possible for you.

I'd appreciate it a shit ton if you watched it when I upload.

Thanks for your patience and support.

I love ya x

13 - 2

Danyon Togia
Posted 6 years ago

I received THE most insane message the other day from a subscriber.

Here's his story in a nutshell:

- A few years ago, I offered a free coaching session as a giveaway on my YT channel.

- The winner of that session was Jacob.

- Jacob has Cerebral Palsy. So playing LoL for him is 10x harder than others.

- But that didn't stop Jacob from wanting to climb.

- His right hand is constantly contracted. So he had to get a special mouse that allows him to play with 1-hand.

- At the time, Jacob wanted to go to College, but didn't have enough money to afford it.

- We did some coaching together. And I gave him some solid advice about doing the best you can with what you have.

- A few years later, he slid in my IG DM's.

- He messaged me saying that not only had he got into Diamond (the top 5% of players in the world)...

- But he had also received multiple scholarships to go to the college of his choice.

- Coz of LoL and his determination, he not only climbed high as fuck (with a severe disability)...

- But he also was able to make $$$ with it. And now he can afford to go to college.

I hope this inspires you to do as much as you can with what you have.

Everyone gets a different set of cards in life. But amazing things can happen if you play your set of cards as best as you can, and don't focus on what everyone else's set of cards are.

Merry Xmas.

Love you all so much.

74 - 7

Danyon Togia
Posted 6 years ago

Back in 2014 when I started playing LoL, I was placed in Bronze 4.

That was back when I was the "Old Danyon."

The "Old Danyon" didn't give a fuck about what champion he played. He didn't have a strategy to help him improve. And he did his best to blame every single fucking mistake that he made on others.

Every time he fucked up, he'd look for the closest person to him and spam ping the shit outta' him.

He was arrogant. His ego was outta' whack. And the stories he told himself about "feeders, afk's and trolls" were more important to him than getting results.

Somewhere along the track, the "Old Danyon" decided that this game was his passion, his purpose, his mission.

Once he made that switch, the "New Danyon" emerged.

The "New Danyon" cared more about results than the stupid stories he told himself about having shitty teammates and a bunch of AFK's.

The "New Danyon" humbled himself and decided to listen to the advice that he had heard a million times before: pick one champ and one role, and master it.

Why the F should you care about this?

Well - it's for one reason:

YOU are the number one reason you're not climbing. It's all your fault. You're the problem.

But that's a beautiful thing. Because if you're the problem, then you can also be the solution.

Think about it: you have access to ALL the material in the world that you need to hit challenger.

It's all at your fingertips. It's all for free. And you can access it in your own time.

So why aren't you climbing?

Because of you.

Take this message as an opportunity to humble yourself. You have the ability to climb. But your ego gets in the way.

Tell your ego to go fuck itself. And tell it that results are more important than your feelings.

- Danyon Togia.

64 - 37

Danyon Togia
Posted 6 years ago

Hey, YOU. Stop scrolling and read this shit.

I just wanted to take the time to say I truly appreciate every single one of you that's subscribed to my YT channel.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve you, and help you become the best LoL player you can possibly be.

I whole-heartedly believe that you have the ability to reach whatever rank you want.

All you've gotta do is:

1. Learn from HQ content
2. Practice your gameplay by APPLYING this HQ content, and
3. Overcome your ego in the process.

It's THAT simple. Not easy. But simple.

In my opinion, climbing solo queue ladder isn't "just" about improving at a game.

It's an indicator towards something much more meaningful and deeper than that.

It's about improving as a person.

It's about pushing past your limits.

It's about fulfilling your potential.

It's about having a DREAM that you have the courage, the fucking balls, the kahunas to go outta' your way to achieve.

And then it's about sharing this with others who want to accomplish a similar goal.

So please. Whatever you do, just remember this:

Keep fucking trying. You've got this. I believe in you.

Thankyou all <3

42 - 6

Danyon Togia
Posted 6 years ago

Would you like to win a private coaching session with me valued at $150?

In this coaching session, I'll go through your gameplay and tell you EXACTLY what you need to do to climb the solo queue ladder.

To enter, all you have to do is:

1. Watch my most recent video
2. Comment which tip you enjoyed the most.

Cheers big ears.

6 - 0

Danyon Togia
Posted 6 years ago

What's up mother fuckers.

If you're all about that "climbing solo q as a jungler" life, then this new video is perfect for you.

In it, I'll show you how Rank 1 Jungler 100T Levi:

- How he balances ganking + farming (so you can farm your nut off while STILL applying pressure to your lanes)
- How Levi jungle paths in order to maximize gank potential + play off your snowballing lanes.
- How Levi is able to close out games when he has the lead so you don't end up throwing using what I call "The Lawn Mower Method."

My question to you is this:

Did you like this style of video?

If you did, let me know either on this post or the YT video comments.

Thanks guys!

7 - 5

Danyon Togia
Posted 6 years ago

Hey everyone!

I want to know which style of jungle educational videos you'd prefer me to make?

Do you prefer:

- Quick Tip videos where I give you a summary of the best tips I learned from pro players, or
- Full replay analysis where I watch a replay from a pro jungler and comment over it

Choose your preffered option on this poll.


33 - 14