Welcome friends ❤️🙏🏼 please join the latest Subliminal Community created to help you achieve your love & life desires and dreams.
I believe heavily that our thoughts create. With subliminals you can shift your old beliefs, habits and thoughts to be able to manifest your desires. I use positive tailored affirmations, ambient calm music & healing frequencies.
How do subliminals work?
These messages act as stimuli, in the form of sounds or images. Another feature is that subliminals are often presented as faint or quick audio-video messages, which make them hard to perceive. The idea is to subliminally (existing or functioning below the threshold of consciousness) stimulate the brain, and positively impact thoughts and behavior.
Email below for a personalized sub created specifically for you guided111subs@gmail.com
#subliminalcreation #subliminals #lawof