NASA steals over 25 BILLION dollars of our taxes every year! That amounts to about 70 MILLION PER DAY! In return, they produce FAKE cgi images and FAKE moon landings done in a Hollywood basement. ALL of those tax dollars get routed to Israel, either directly or indirectly! Israeli suppliers, or American suppliers that use Israeli suppliers in turn, charge insane prices to them; for example, a nut and bolt set for over 100G each, or a roll of duct tape for that price as well! Anyone can do some research, and see that I am correct. Same people also control the Federal Reserve, taxing the people many times for ONE promissory note, like continuous compounded negative amortization! This is the real reason they hated Hilter; he was fixing this problem, and other countries were copying his method! They had to get rid of him. They don't tell you all that. These people use 'slight of hand', mathematical magic, and trickery like grand scale gypsies.