I've been messing around with guitars for quite a while, starting out with the standard chords and stuff, and I had gotten a bit bored with it. I don't play in a band, I'm terrified of performing and improvising, and screaming guitar solos don't sound all that impressive when you play on your own.
So my discovery of fingerstyle some years ago was quite an eye-opener. Finally, something that sounded a bit more sophisticated than campfire strumming!
Everyone always says that you should record yourself when you're practicing, so I've been trying that. Also, I have this nagging feeling that once I learn a new song, another one drops out of my memory. This way, although I'm still not completely happy with some (or many, or most) of my videos, at least I have proof of what I have been able to play.
Recently, the focus of this channel has shifted, because I've started building guitar(-like instrument)s as well. So most of the recent uploads are demo-videos of my latest projects.