Raymond Chan Channel, an electronic magazine providing high quality sound and video coverage of Vancouver's Asian events and Vancouver multicultural cuisines to the world fans , Please subscribe and share .
People say food unites the world's people, Vancouver has been blessed with people from all corners of the world's continents and oceans. Vancouver is a multicultural family of foodies with hundred of flavors blossoming wherever you go! For over ten years, Red Cat Foodie has been in Vancouver making friendships with different foodies from all parts of the area and looking for the best kept recipes and cooking techniques! Taking all this yummy knowledge, he has fused it with the best of Guangdong
紅色為食猫 ( RedCatCook) - 頻道以推廣健康食物為主
民以食為天,温哥華得天獨厚,聚集各方人士來自五湖四海及七大洲,屬一個多元文化大家庭。飲食文化百花齊放,各有特色 。紅色為食貓在溫三十餘年,廣結各方良師益友,搜羅大量不同地域的民間秘方及名廚精湛的烹調技巧,取長捨短,將之糅合於我們傳統廣東菜式、小吃、甜品上,創造出美味健康,製作簡易,迎合現代口味的美食,固名為「雲城新派」。嚴選素材,著重天然調味,採用卑詩省食物安全控制標準方式處理食物,讓身邊朋友食得健康,食得開心。