in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Watch transformers one
I’m not joking
If your transformers fan , watch it
If you’re not a transformer fan, watch it
If you want to Transformers and haven’t seen a single thing on it before, watch it
Do you hate transformers? This movie might genuinely change your mind.
The market did not do it a single bit of Justice. Do not watch a single movie on this movie, it lies to you.
If you are legitimately, just looking for a good movie to watch, Watch it
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So this is for everyone and a quick update.
As of now, multiple videos have been moved to being unlisted, as most of my older videos, I do not feel proud and as well I feel like I have a weird mishmash going on. The only videos currently remaining or videos that I do feel proud of, hold a special place in my heart, or are one of my more popular ones. Eventually a lot of the Yu-Gi-Oh videos are also going to go down but for now I’m currently keeping them up. With the current state of channel, I will be holding a pole tomorrow in order to force me to make a video based on one of the prompts and what you guys would want to see most whichever one of these eventual prompts does the best that will probably be the direction the channel goes as I want to actually make things people enjoy and want to watch. If anyone has any ideas of what they would want to watch and stuff just leave a comment and I will put it into consideration
Till next time, peace
P.s. I have a playlist called older videos if you want to watch if you wish to watch any again.
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YO shoutout to my friend over on florals channel. He’s been making songs for a story we have been working on so give them a listen
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Going to be doing some stop motion tests for a bit. Oh and the first portal video just needs a thumbnail done
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Well, I think it’s time. I finally cleared some dust off the old channel. Hey guys it’s me, ima alive. I am sorry for the lack of uploads as of lately as life has started to catch up with me. I’m too small to make an actual job now. I need at least 1000 to start making some money. Now I have two videos planned that being of just portal playthroughs, also plan on making some videos just talking about wife and how weird it is to graduate high school (which is why I’ve been busy with). I just today got my diploma and now am working on getting an actual job (although temporary). I don’t know when the videos will come out as they are long and I’m having to get used to a new editing software as I have a new computer now. Go through a lot of changes I’m probably gonna make some community poles asking what you all would want to see me do. A lot of things have happened in changed and these months so I just wanted to update you guys real quick. Until next time, Peace.
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hi I am The Masked Performer
I’m trying to grow out so I can entertain anyone I can
My goal is to get 1010 subscribers so that way, I can grow my channel and allow my self some profit so I can continue to do this