WELCOME TO _ GENERATION IAS CLASSES _ SOCIOLOGY "OPTIONAL." _ Dear aspirants, this channel is designed very meticulously only for the purpose of making #SociologyOptional subject more easier. Here we are beginning a new series on #YouTube and we shall cover all the #UNITS which have given in our #UPSC_#SYLLABUS. So, my dear aspirants please be with me and enjoy the whole #_sessions.
Here, we put "National and International" issues also. We research the facts from various sources and put before you to get a multi-dimentional perspective and enhance your knowledge.
And never forget toπ#LIKE πππ#SUBSCRIBE and π#SHARE so that whenever I upload a new video you will get a notification on your source.
Your feedback is always welcome here.
Your torchbearer_____ Bipin Kumar.
And thank you to all my viewers from GENERATION IAS CLASSES _ SOCIOLOGY "OPTIONAL" by Bipin Kumar.