in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Hello everyone!
Long time coming, and done holding off on posting content that I loved making, but stopped completely because of youtube's terms and rules. It makes it very hard to post content to earn little to nothing, but I have ideas to make us continue making content as long as our true crime fans support us and smash the like button!
I want to expand worldwide when it comes to true crime content and I want to know your opinion from america or wherever you are from on what you would like to see as a 1st international true crime video from my 5 selections for the countries I want to create similar to the one Ive been posting years ago.
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Sorry with all our procrastination for the revival of our YouTube channel. I been in hiatus because of all time time and effort me and twin bro put into these series.
If we had a writer for specific research for true crime videos with great grammar I am in need of one because with just us two alone we spent like 80 hours or more per documentaries without earning no ad revenue because of youtube's family friendly policy.
This is me asking any true crime horror fans that is good with researching, writing skills, and even finding good sponsors for the type content I make. It would be a plus because I am weak in that department and would make me continue to push out content if I can get some type of revenue stream.
I work 40 hours a week with my sales job and lost the motivation with pushing out content when it took too much time out of my day for not making anything off of it.
Please someone with the skills I need message my business email at or message me on here first and send me your email if this email doesn't work because I haven't been on that account in a while, so I could of had it typed out wrong.
I am in desperate need for the things I messaged above if you are interested hit me up for how much per script/research value per content in my email address if I typed it out right lol.
8 - 5
Hello, I apologize for the long hiatus... Work has been nuts and a lot has happened I don't want to get into, but we are coming back and looking to vamp up the videos, so I may be in need of anyone with being a writer and maybe researcher all in one. If you are very good with that and grammar because I know my grammar isn't the best in specific things. Me and my twin grew up with a learning disability and always struggled with that, especially in grammar when we were kids. It is just a lot to handle for 2 people, especially for us.
We alone, put 40-80 hours a video or more at times because I struggled with editing audio from all the static issues I was having with my old mic. Also I have since updated a lot of my tech and just in need of a good researcher because I am more of an editor, and using software for my videos. My brother is the same way and helps with the editing, audio(more him lately for recording audio and I edit it.). I have a passion of still making these videos and appreciate all the support/comments I have received over the past few years.
I am willing to offer a temp position in helping me to see how you do for the research and/or just writing in general if you are good with script writing that is a plus, so hit me up if you want to know more on my business email!
14 - 6
I just moved into my new place. Once I get my office/studio set up I will start making videos again! I just need to find out where my microphone is in my tons of moving boxes. Stay tuned! We are coming back very soon! :D
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Starting back up the channel starting sometime in October. Promise! We have had a crazy past 10 months. I had a recovery from my car accident and messed up my back. Also, with the recovery of my injury, I have been working a full-time job and house shopping. We finally have a new house we are leasing and going to finally have a place to edit/focus on my videos. Bare with us and we will get our channel back up! I hate to make awesome true crime content and stop cold turkey on you guys. We are truly sorry for putting a stop to the channel. It was a good break because we got our life back on track. We eventually need supporters through Patreon if you want more true crime documentaries because it gets demonetized right when we post the content. Part of the reason why we may do other series too and post every once in a while for the true crime content. If I get more support or donations to this content I will post more of the true-crime content. I loved making them and have a job in phone sales for a year now. This job will give me confidence in speaking better and pronouncing city names better too lol because of all the cities I work with through sales. I can't wait to bring back awesome content that you will all enjoy! Patreon will have better awards and exclusive content updates once I get back into the content again. Stay tuned for next month. Most likely the middle of the month.
Thanks for all the views and support,
13 - 4
We have to talk to you guys about something truthfully... We may put a stop to our documentaries or even once every other month because we have to work and balancing these documentaries make it really hard to edit because they take 40-50 hours+. We make like only a few dollars a month because they get demonetized right away... We are sorry to give the bare of bad news... We need to focus on our artwork because it is where my degree is at, so after this will be the last true crime documentary for a while. Idk when we will do it again, but we are truly sorry for letting our true crime documentary fans down... We want to try to do like horror artwork or whatever, but just need to focus on our art..
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Unfortunately, I need to finish up the video/picture part of video today. I finished up editing the last bit of audio and 10 minutes of the video yesterday. I have about 7-8 minutes of the video/pictures today. I just don't want to rush it and half-ass the last part of the video. It is unprofessional if I were to do that, and I am sorry I am a little late on posting the video. It will be up by tomorrow afternoon and I hope you understand. People don't realize how long it takes to edit these documentaries.. It will be worth the wait, and promise it will be up for tomorrow! 35-40+ hours was and will be put into editing this video! The audio alone always takes the longest to edit! 4 days of cutting, changing the levels of the audio, and etc... You'll appreciate the effort I put into these videos... Patreon on my youtube channel to support the videos more because I and my brother make barely anything on this content and put our blood and tears into making this content... Love you and the video will be up soon! :D
#Patreon #YouTube #documentary #truecrime #serialkillers
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New true crime documentary episode on serial killers coming this weekend or Monday-Tuesday absolute latest! I will let you know everyone! #SerialKiller #truecrime
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New serial killer true crime episode coming very soon! By Thurs or Friday latest. Almost done editing all the audio. Just have to add video and finish little edits. Takes a while to edit these videos while injured. I hope you understand and thanks for the long wait. This episode will be about 6 Serial Killers in Massachusetts! Stay tuned my friends and fans. Love you all! XD #serialkillers #Serial_Killers #YouTube #Massachusetts #VideoEdits #VideoEditing
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Hello, our names are Matthew, Michel, and Alex. We are YouTube entertainers of all kinds of entertainment, but for now, horror and art related content as we build up a fan base again.
Subscribe, like, comment and share our videos as it helps with the new algorithms.
Subscribers goals:
2,500{X} On 11/12/2018
2,600(X) On 1/14/2019
2,800{X} On 4/16/2019
3,000{X} On 7/18/2019
3,500{X} On 10/1/2019
4,000{X} On 10/7/2019
5,000{X} On 11/1/2019
7,500{ }
10,000{ }
Total Viewer goals:
150,000{X} 9/09/2018
200,000{X} 4/14/2019
225,000{X} 7/27/2019
250,000{X} 9/28/2019
275,000{X} 10/3/2019
300,000{X} 10/6/2019
500,000{ } December?