in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Random assortment of what’s been up lately. Working on myself. Feeling good (mostly; this 💩 is hard sometimes), seeing progress, excited for what’s ahead. Counting my blessings and being grateful for what is and how much good I’ve been able to experience.
How much better can it get? Let’s see! 😍😊
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Been back in Cali for a few days and loving passing through old familiar places and the natural beauty that is here, even though it’s been cold (by spoiled Cali standards 😂). Today I’m enjoying a cozy morning getting in some me-time. Focused on all the great things I’m about to do and how my mindset shift will leverage them.
I think I’ll do a quick video about the importance of self worth and valuing yourself soon. So important; it impacts EVERYTHING.
I’m a strong, confident person and still, I’ve seen where I have work to do. No shame, just get to it and stay committed bc it WILL get ugly, messy, bumpy. As a friend says, it’s a beautiful mess as we work to heal old wounds and remove wiring from triggers.
I ordered this book after seeing a podcast (on YouTube) w the author and Oprah. Felt like 🎯, yep, I need to check w myself on that. There were areas were I was definitely in need of a tuneup. So I’m giving myself one. Can’t wait to see how much better I drive when I’m done. 🏎️💨 Gonna be goood! Stay tuned. 😉
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Lessons coming in strong lately. Exactly what I have been feeling. Gotta push through discomfort, fear and uncertainty and move forward with what I know is best. Me dealing squarely with what is in my way - old pain coming uncovered. The work is mine alone to do and I’m ready for it. Interestingly, I’ve been chanting for a complete transformation of myself to clear out anything that is holding me back from my full potential and achieving my greatest desires. And 💥 up and out it came. Kinda scary but nothing I can’t handle.
If you are facing challenges, know that they are opportunities. Trust that you have all you need to push through, overcome. What’s beautiful and desired is on the other side of what scares you. See you on the other side. ❤️
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Lovely October. Seems it’s beautiful in many places this time of year. Another bday (10.10), giving thanks. Taking lots of long walks in the woods, breathing deep the clean, fall air, appreciating so much beauty and dreaming of what’s next. Also thinking of those suffering in Sudan, the Middle East, southeastern US and elsewhere; sending healing, loving thoughts to them. Wish we could all just enjoy peace; there really is enough for us all to be secure and happy.
In my reflections, I think about how to live better; as an individual caring for myself and those closest to me, and as a part of society. What can we do to make this life experience better for all of us? I believe if we each take some step, however large or small, on a regular basis that’ll have a ripple effect and we can make discernible change.
This is one way I try - spreading good thoughts I hope will take root among you. Let me know what you do to lift your spirits and those of others.
Big hug,
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Free Island Girl is about my experiences and adventures living in the Dominican Republic and is designed to help you become more acquainted with the country.
Who is Free Island Girl?
I'm a free-spirit and a curious explorer. I'm spirit-filled and full of love which I try to spread every day,. I'm not satisfied with living a "same old" kinda life. I believe in finding what makes life sweet, what makes me smile and feel good.
I am constantly learning and sharing experiences with others. I'm also exposing my son to the world and teaching him that he is capable of whatever he desires. We manage the bumps in the road, stay grateful and remember that after every valley is a new peak to enjoy.
Please check out the community tab and leave me some feedback to help me improve. Like and share the videos you enjoy. I upload as often as I can with my busy life and schedule. I hope you'll enjoy and subscribe to my channel.
Thank you and welcome!