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Craggin Stylie

776 subscribers - no pronouns :c

I am, and have been, many things. Artist, photographer, writ

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Craggin Stylie
Posted 1 week ago

*** FINAL MUSIC VIDEO 2024 ***

Premiering Dec 31st!!! This special compilation video featuring five complete songs will release New Year's Eve. Ring in the new year with nearly a full hour of mind-blowing visuals set to some of your favorite psytrance music. Don't miss this one! Guaranteed to enhance your psychedelic journeys!

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Craggin Stylie
Posted 1 month ago

Sneak peek preview of a few frames from my upcoming music video. Mind blowing in how novel and bizarre the results can be when rendered by the "mind" of a neural network. Worth noting, it is really just mathematics...

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Craggin Stylie
Posted 2 months ago

I recently completed the Bir Bilmece music video, and if you haven't yet watched it, definitely check it out.

Making this particular video was an awesome and unique experience all at the same time. First, I had fantastic music by ‪@Kirpirock‬ as the foundation. Second, I was afforded absolutely killer raw video footage courtesy of ‪@ozenozkul1940‬ providing the scaffolding. Next, a beautifully articulated description of the song's origin and intent added the necessary aesthetics for which to build a compelling visual story.

Rather than simply rendering the band into one character archetype as depicted by a single artistic style, I decided that randomly alternating between several dozen different artistic styles at a rate of every 2 seconds would really hit both the novelty and energy needed to match that of the song.

Each camera angle was rendered separately in its entirety and then edited to cut between them in a way that fit the music. The landscape scenes were derived from actual photos from the place in which the song was written about. I converted each to video by adding motion, and then rendered each resulting clip with an effect as if they are moving oil paintings in an abstract expressionist style. These scenes were then layered in to help tell the "story", and also provide nice textural breaks in the main animation.

I would like to thank the band for their part in providing astute and welcome feedback during this entire process. It truly made this effort all that much more special, and as a result a killer result.

Give the band a listen, their YT channel is referenced above. They're also on Instagram and Spotify too. Below is a link to a press release if you're interested to learn even more about them. I dig them, and I bet you will too.…

All in all, I do believe this is one of my best music videos ever. check it out and let me know in the comments if you agree. Like, subscribe, and all that if ya don't mind.

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Craggin Stylie
Posted 2 months ago

Working on a new music video for a badass song by ‪@Kirpirock‬ I have a feeling this one will be epic! Here's a few frame samples to give you all an early sneak peek. Be on the lookout for when the video drops soon! And, definitely check out this band's music. Killer hard rockin, for sure!!!

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Craggin Stylie
Posted 3 months ago

I've always been fascinated with graffiti and street art. For reasons unknown, I never actually pursued the craft.

During my explorations with generative AI, I built my own model, a LoRA, trained from numerous photographs I've taken of street art around the world.

My first impression was not good, and as such, never used this model in any published work. However, this would soon change as my experimentations began including Stable Video Diffusion.

SVD takes an image as input and turns it into a 14 or 25 frame video depending on which SVD model is utilized. These extremely short clips aren't really usable for much as-is. One neat little trick I discovered is to use the last image from a previous SVD sequence as input for a subsequent render. Splice 3 to 4 of these tiny clips together, throw in some interpolation and slow motion, and suddenly you have up to 30-40s clip lengths to work with!

Not only did I find a way to finally use my street art LoRA to create input images for SVD, but also how to use SVD to create source videos providing the underlying motion for the psychedelic layers.

Watch my latest video, Garden of Pomegranates - Cosmic Trigger, ft Shpongle at to see this technique in action. Make sure to like, subscribe, and let me know what you think in the comments below.

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Craggin Stylie
Posted 4 months ago

Hey all! Been quite busy lately, but finally published a new music video worth checking out. It's the official music video for the song Parthenope, by Kluzter, an amazing composer, musician, and producer I met online. He discovered my youtube channel via the magical "algorithm", and from there my contact submission form on my photography website lead him to ultimately connect with me. Our collaborative friendship developed from there, and as a result, we've just released this newest video.

It tells the tale, but in modern terms, of the Greek siren Parthenope, who, failing to entice Odysseus, cast herself into the sea to die. Here, Parthenope is a cyborg-siren, attempting the same enticement of Odysseus, cast as a cyborg-god-like being himself. No matter the time or place, the classic love tale ends the same.

Kluzter's work can be found at:
- Youtube:
- Spotify:…

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Craggin Stylie
Posted 7 months ago

The latest issue of Galactic Erowid e-zine contains an obscure reference to an experiment conducted by PsyNova Corporation, where the founder and chief scientist first recorded a human psychedelic trip of his own.

While the natural inclination to assume the classic trip report from previous eras had been rendered obsolete due to PsyNova Corporation's novel capture & record technology, this couldn't be further from the truth. Until thought recording capabilities were perfected, we still didn't yet know what a mind-travelling psychonaut was actually thinking during an NRX experience.

Uncovering this crucial bit of human history following the singularity with AI was an extraordinary discovery. Given that AI entities cannot experience drug-induced psychedelic phenomenon, the classic trip report takes on a whole new meaning when combining the visual and audible recording with the human's thoughts.

Make sure to watch the film TRIP - The NRX/NIL Experiment ( to gain a complete understanding of Dr. Stylie's mindset as he describes here, within this report.

Permission to republish granted by the Galactic Erowid Foundation.

Issue #L-SD-044

TRIP - The NRX/NIL Experiment Trip Report
Aug 19, 2044
Dr. Craggin Stylie

It was late afternoon, summer of 2044. I had been mostly calm, yet also slightly anxious, during the day's prep leading up to our experiment. Considering that this was a self-assay, and no other human had attempted such an experiment yet, my state of mind was easily understandable. We had learned from previous clinical trials that NRX required a special dieta in order to minimize physical discomfort from extreme nausea. I felt well-prepared, and coupled with my staff's confidence our experiment would be successful, we proceeded ahead with minimal caution.

The first hour or so during the buildup to peak was typical. I could sense the impending psychedelic waves that were about to consume me. Visual distortions, brighter colors, and heightened sensitivity to sound were rapidly beginning to intensify. As I entered into the more bizarre effects from NRX, my thoughts became quite incoherent. However, being able to watch the recording of my experience afterwards, I was actually able to recall many of my thoughts and emotions.

The recording begins while I'm thinking about my wife. She appears to be coming home from an interstellar excursion, yet I'm unable to distinguish if this was past, present, or future. My wife did in fact travel extensively while working for the Galactic Society for the Advancement of AI to Bio Relationships, but thinking back now, the recollection was entirely a priori. As was so often the case IRL when my wife returned, I seemed to have prepared a welcome home note, but the writing was complete gibberish.

Another extremely weird phenomenon was how the musical soundtrack being streamed into my NIL implant appeared to be an old polyphonic, analog recording technology that existed well before my time. I recall my very own Pops telling me about "album scratches" as something rather quite annoying. I had never actually listened to anything other than modern digital synth tracks, so this strange popping and clicking between songs was quite unusual, to say the least.

Slipping into the heavy effects of NRX, I would frequently recognize my wife's facial appearance manifesting throughout the entire trip. I think it was the eyes more than anything else that caused my mind to consistently make this connection.

The other quite interesting facet was how this effect seemed to alternate between seeing my wife's visage and my own. At one point, early in the recording, my wife appears to be much younger than IRL, and she also appears to be showing an intimate connection to me, however, my essence is contained only within the most bizarre hallucinations that barely resemble any actual human attributes.

This alternating pattern included an aspect where it seemed like my wife and I would merge essences together into becoming one. I can only conclude this was a metaphorical construct around how human beings express both love for oneself and a deep love for another. After all, the old saying of "You cannot deeply love another until you're capable of fully loving yourself" does in fact ring true, even to this day.

As this phenomenon progressed, there was a very specific moment of lucidity where I was acutely aware of this bizarre morphing effect between my wife and myself. At times, I would be holding my wife in a loving embrace, only to suddenly be holding myself in a compassionate embrace. Almost as if I were providing comfort and stability to myself as a means to persevere through the most intense NRX effects. It is extremely disorienting and discomforting during the peak moments, so this was quite a welcome relief.

The colors were extremely vibrant, yet often taking on a pastel hue. The backgrounds behind my main visual perceptions were otherworldly, consisting of dancing scenery replete with clouds, trees, mushrooms, and even occasionally a smoke-like substance. The was also a lot of "Swiss cheese"-like structures intermingled amongst the shapes that morphed back & forth between a graphical interpretation of a planetary solar system's sun and that of a human brain's neuron, or even possibly the synapse. It was hard to tell what this symbolism actually meant.

There was also a very odd moment where I would see myself morphing back and forth between younger me and much older me. I seemed to be in some room with windows and a bed. It does somewhat resemble the lab space where we conducted the experiment, but only very vague. There were even moments where the most bizarre hallucinations were derived from a wall hanging of art. IRL, my wife and I did collect and enjoy fine art created by both humans and AI alike, so this isn't at all surprising.

Overall, the trip was on the lighter side of the psychological spectrum. Everything I perceived was definitely bizarre, but it was also never dark and moody, and I felt relieved that our recording wouldn't expose my own darker psyche that occasionally rears its ugly head. Again, the eyes. Many, many eyes peering at me as if in wonder at what I was experiencing.

There were numerous archetypes flashing about as well. I saw myself embodied as several well-known figures, both real and mythological. At one point, I recall seeing myself on my deathbed, only to quickly morph into my wife's future, yet undetermined, demise.

It was unfortunate our technology was yet capable of recording more than approximately one hour of my experience. Without the recording, I am simply unable to recall with any details what transpired any further. I have very vague recollections, but nothing substantial worth adding to this trip report. Essentially, and much like other psychedelic experiences, it seemed to repeat ad nauseum. I do recall frequently wishing the thought-loops would subside.

Thankfully, my preparatory dieta had been rigorous enough, and my medical AI reported nothing within my vitals that caused any concern. I did feel a bit nauseous at times, but it would come and go in waves. Nothing I couldn't easily manage from years of working with NRX and even other classical P&Ts (editor's note: P&T stands for Phenethylamines & Tryptamines, as outlined in the classical Shulgin literature contained in the PIHKAL/TIHKAL tomes.)

If only we had been able to record more of the experience. But, it was the best we could produce at that time. Without which, we would never have discovered the link between human & AI consciousness that had eluded us for decades. What we know now, we owe directly to these experiments.

Sincerely, and with much humility, I share this trip report with the galaxy. I hope it brings even more context and understanding to the film, as well as our current theory of PCS (Primordial Consciousness Soup).

Dr. Craggin Stylie
PsyNova Corporation
HQ in Eschelon Sector x86, Slice 64x1024
Galactic SM @Craggs.PsyNova.Corp
Copyright (c) 2044
All rights reserved.

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Craggin Stylie
Posted 8 months ago

My latest work is a short film that artistically tells the story, set in the not so distant future, of a fictitious scientific research firm named PsyNova Corporation, headed by founder, CEO, and chief scientist Dr. Craggin Stylie. After receiving his own implant, Dr. Stylie undergoes a self- experiment utilizing the technology and drugs developed by his own research firm. This experiment proves highly successful, and as a result, produces the first ever recording of a human psychedelic trip.

Even though the film is set in the year 2044, much of the plot line involves the possibility of very real technology on our doorstep today, such as new drugs discovered by AI models, combined with futuristic technology that might also prove possible some day, i.e the Neural-Immersion Link (NIL) implant.

This animation combines several graphical effects to depict the recording apparatus known as the SEA, or Sensory Encoding Array. The left side device indicates the playlist being streamed into Dr. Stylie's implant, while the right side device displays the electrical signals corresponding to the auditory and visual cortices within his brain.

Through extensive and very heavy computational post-processing, Dr. Stylie's team was able to playback the recording in such a way as if to seem like we are watching a movie of his NRX trip as seen by himself. The next evolutionary stage for Dr. Stylie and his teams work is to develop the ability to record and decode the brain's thoughts in addition to just sight and sound.

This film was made by Dr. Stylie to watch while tripping. When one assumes this purview, the film takes on an MC Escher painting-like quality, or maybe rather like an infinity mirror effect of watching a trip while tripping. In fact, he highly encourages viewers, if possible, to watch it sober and then while under the influence. Of course, this should never be attempted when located in any galactic sector considered to be within the "Pious Zone".

Watching this film is even more risky within the "Pious Zone" due to the NSFW designation applied by the Anal Retentive Federation of Galactic Censors.

The film is being screened privately at first, and will release publicly on May 17th, 2024. Be sure to subscribe to this channel and get notified as soon as it drops. I hope you enjoy both the concept as well as watching it.

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Craggin Stylie
Posted 8 months ago

Introducing "TRIP - The NRX/NIL Experiment" - a groundbreaking cinematic experience that will forever change the way you perceive reality!

From the visionary minds at PsyNova Corporation, creators of the revolutionary Neuro-Immersion Link (NIL) and discoverers of the reality-bending substance Neuro-Rift-X (NRX), comes a film that will take you on an unforgettable journey into the depths of the human psyche.

Witness the world's first NIL-induced experience, captured in stunning ultra-high definition using PsyNova's proprietary Sensory Encoding Array (SEA) technology. This is not just a movie; it's a mind-expanding odyssey that will challenge your perceptions and ignite your imagination.

Immerse yourself in a kaleidoscopic realm where colors bloom with unimaginable vibrancy, and sounds paint vivid pictures in your mind. Unravel the secrets of consciousness as you traverse landscapes that defy the laws of physics and reason. This is a trip like no other, a sensory adventure that will leave you questioning the very nature of reality.

Join us for the galactic premiere of "TRIP - the NRX/NIL Experiment," exclusively on Youtube, Friday May 17, 2024. Don't miss your chance to be among the first to experience this landmark event in cinema history.

Get ready to have your mind blown and your senses electrified. "TRIP - The NRX/NIL Experiment" - a film that doesn't just entertain but transcends the boundaries of human experience.

Coming soon to virtual cinema near you. Prepare to embark on the journey of a lifetime.

*PsyNova Warning: "TRIP - the NRX/NIL Experiment" contains intense psychedelic imagery and is not suitable for individuals prone to seizures or those with a history of mental instability. Viewer discretion is highly advised. PsyNova Corporation assumes no responsibility for any mind-altering side effects or existential crises resulting from the viewing of this film.*

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Craggin Stylie
Posted 9 months ago

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