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Image Processing, CV, ML, DL & AI Projects

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|My Research | Projects | Machine Learning | Deep Learning |

Bayesian | α-matting | python implementation 3-coloring a graph | CNF SAT-solver | DPLL algorithm | python DPLL | CNF-SAT | Polynomial Reduction | python Guided vs. Unguided Deep Dreaming | GoogleNet | pytorch hooks | python Maximum Entropy Brightness Preserving Histogram Equalization (BPHEME Variational method) in python Different Hist-Equalize algos (CHE, BBHE, DSIHE, RMSHE) to enhance images, implemented with python Multi-label classification of Foods with DenseNet using keras with python DL in Remote Sensing: Land Cover Image Classification with fastai ResNet101 using EuroSAT dataset Generative adversarial text-to-image synthesis with keras Image Inpainting with Deep Image Prior with python One-shot classification with modified Hausdorff distance with omniglot dataset Outlier Detection with AutoEncoder (with pytorch / H2O) and PCA in MNIST images with python Denoising Images by thresholding Wavelet coefficients + Reconstruction with python Weights learnt by a Sparse AutoEncoder, sparsity paramaeter ρ (1%, 10%) from MNIST with tensorflow Using Deep Features from Stacked AutoEncoders for Classification using H2O (in python) Image Denoising with Markov Model using iterative Bayesian update Face recognition using FisherFaces and k-NN with Yale Faces in python Generating Bangla Crossword Puzzle as a CSP with AC3 & MRV+degree+LCV heuristics with backtrack+AC3 Generating Crossword Puzzle - as a CSP with AC3 & MRV+degree+LCV heuristics with backtracking+AC3 Learning to Play the Game of Nim with Reinforcement Learning (Q-learning) Intensity-based Registration of Medical Images using Mutual Information Metric Image Inpainting with GMM-EM (K=15) Collaborative Filtering Recommender System with GMM-EM (K=4) Collaborative Filtering with Low-Rank Matrix Factorization (using Alternating Minimization) Generating Anime Images with GAN Denoising Noisy Face Images with PCA, DFT and DWT (Haar Wavelet) Image Denoising with Ising Model, Markov Random Field (MRF) Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to generate face images Color image segmentation with Mahalanobis distance in python Iterative Deconvolution for Image Restoration with a blurred noisy image (amplification of noise) Using genetic algorithm to re-generate an image with primitive geometric shapes Texture transfer with image quilting Colorizing sketches with ColorNet (deep learning model) Object Detection with Yolo V3 (with opencv-python) Object Detection | Faster-RCNN | tensorflow | python Semantic Segmentation with ENet (deep learning model) Solving 8-queen problem with genetic algorrithm Object (Car) detection with Yolo V2 Segmentation with SLIC algorithm (superpixalation) + RAG with python Face projection with Eigenfaces Object Detection with Yolo v2 Baysian Statistics: Beta-Bernoulli Conjugate Prior to compute the Posterior Distribution Solving Sudoku using backtracking (with MRV heuristic) Cartoonizing images - Video from the movie সোনার কেল্লা by Satyajit Ray Face Morphing with Mesh-Warping Algorithm: from human to lion Object Detection with Mask R-CNN Denoising AutoEncoder to clean noisy faces with python Deep Dream with AlexNet