Jay Matsueda has been playing music since the fragile age of 10. Twas piano, mind you, but this early introduction helped him develop a distinct musical intuition like only early exposure can. Only through tragedy did he learn guitar later in life... to remember a childhood friend. And in so doing, he immediately discovered the rewards of writing on guitar and crafting lyrics & melodies overtop. Through countless collaborations, combinations, projects, and bands over the years that followed, Matsueda now stands before audiences alone, naked, with no place to hide. This basic approach to public performance offers the ability to change anything anytime. Immediate momentary flexibility for maximum creative expression & immersion. His songs are crafted with lyrical independence in mind, i.e. for stand-alone appreciation of the lines as poetry when encountered on the printed page. And his musical backdrops offer a subtle sound bed for his dynamic, emotive voice.