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Hi, i'm Lewi Millington Williams I Started playing Guitar D

Playing through a 100 watt 1970ā€™s Eminar amp (volume is only just past 1 šŸ˜…) #pedalpawn #ltdguitars Fast fiddlinā€™ on a 12 string ! #epiphone #12stringguitar Christmas, have a good one ! Epiphone Firebird through Mesa Boogie amp ! #epiphone #mesaboogie @derringersmusic The quiet one - @thewho5803 - Krysler cover snippet (mostly my solo lol) Hendrix Strat + Marshall Studio Vintage JTM #marshallamplification #fenderstratocaster #jimihendrix Krysler at the Port Noarlunga Blues Fest 24ā€™ @portnoarlungabluesfestival1128 @BentForks at The Christies Beach Sailing club 8th Nov 2024 Road Kings ā€‹ā letting looseā€¦@roadkingsaustralia9664 Noodling over a loop in D Solo improv on Brand New Cadillac! Noodling on a Fender MIJ ST-62 Stratocaster #fenderstratocaster #bluesmusic #jimihendrix #srv Noodling on the 1975 lawsuit era Ibanez SG #ibanez Bb blues jam #bluesmusic #fenderstratocaster Dreams-Allman Brothers solo improv #allmanbrothers #pedalpawn Drop D strat #fenderstratocaster #johnmayer #srv Baritone guitar + @PedalPawn Octone! *warning, extreme guitar faces* #pedalpawn Riffing around on a Danelectro 12! #danelectro #12stringguitar Wednesday jams Low-Krysler - Live (instagram: kryslerofficial) Getting lost in a Free Bird solo! (Krysler cover) Playing through a cranked 1962 Goldentone 1776! Happy Wednesday Slide guitar blues #slideguitar #bluesmusic Playing a Nik Huber Piet guitar at Colemans Music! @cranbournemusiconline Playing an Epiphone Lucille at @MannysMusic_Online #bbking #epiphone Free roam jam! #rocknroll #epiphone Riffinā€™ around #fenderstratocaster #rockabillymusic Happy new year! šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ My dad says happy new year to the neighbourhood! šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ Christmas, have a good one #fenderstratocaster #jimihendrix #christmas #busking Killing Floor cover - short clip #jimihendrix The band waiting for me to finish my solo to get to the chorusā€¦ #busking Gotta love a rhythm section solo! Start Up- @TheRamblersAustralia -Live What a great crowd we had! Groovador-@TheRamblersAustralia -Live clip Jaminā€™ away on Tele-Tuesday! #teletuesday Tele-Tuesday twang! #teletuesday Meet The Road Kings in action! @roadkingsaustralia9664 Rockinā€™ with the G&L style Telecaster! #glguitars #telecaster #teletuesday ā€œThe Searchā€ demo clip 100 watt valve Peavy half stack at full volume! (Jam) #peaveyamps #fenderstratocaster Rockinā€™ on a 1975 Ibanez SG MIJ #ibanezguitars #sgguitar ā€œTrippinā€™ Overā€ Demo clip This open tuning is like no other! C Major/A Minor 7 #resonatorguitar #opentuning Fun fact: The blues wonā€™t ever die #bluesmusic #ltdguitars Jaminā€™ on the double bass #uprightbass #bass Havinā€™ a jam on the drums #drummer #ludwigdrums