"I loved you since the 900s."
{✠PWS} PastaWurstStudio
Welcome to the only GerIta studio! Our specialty is to edit to GerIta, be it in any form such as:
✠ Germany x Italy
✠ Germany x Fem!Italy
✠ Fem!Germany x Italy
✠ Fem!Germany x Fem!Italy
✠ HRE x Chibitalia
✯ Leader
✠ Mamoru4Ever
✯ Co-Leader
✠ XxxIggychanxxX
✯ Members
✠ animerockz290
✠ hikarisakura321
✠ MadnessIsTakingOver
✠ me0here0me0there
✠ MissCookieSharon
✠ XxLimechanxX
✯ Sister Studio
[T♥D] Transcending Distance Studio