“Let's watch the sky together, silently ”
Welcome to my world! I'm Nihal. I’ve been writing letters to my pen pals for the last 13 years.
So why in the age of the internet do we continue to write letters to each other? Sending someone a letter is one of the most selfless things you can do in a friendship. I believe this is what makes letter writing so personal and special.
After much success with doing gifts for my pen pals and getting lots of compliments, I decided to open up an Etsy shop selling mini goods/gifts.
I'll be sharing videos about diy, crafts, needle felting, penpalling and cats I've met ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ
Sharing content is something I really enjoy, but know that I'm just a girl with a hobby. I'm not a professional businessperson (just a small business owner) (◕‿◕✿)