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Islamic Golden Knowledge

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sometimes Allah doesn't||#islamic #qoutes When you love someone,||#islamic #qoutes In life's toughest moments||#islamic #qoutes To the person listening this||#islamic #qoutes Allah knows your hidden struggles||#islamic #qoutes she left her with the promise of Marriage||#islamic #qoutes If Allah wants to give You something's||#islamic #qoutes Ramadan is coming||#islamic #qoutes Be careful with your words,||#islamic #qoutes Talk to Allah he is your best friend||#islamic #qoutes Never lose your hope from Allah||#islamic #qoutes Don't get involved in a haram relationship||#islamic #qoutes #couple Better days will come||#islamic #qoutes The one who loves you as you are||#islamic #qoutes #couple When you feel sad||#islamic #qoutes O Allah, bless us in Shaban||#islamic #qoutes #ramadan Always remember what's you will be you're||#islamic #qoutes The five daily prayers.||#islamic #qoutes So do not allow your heart to be filled with hate||#islamic #qoutes We will test all of You||#islamic #qoutes Ignoring every male for that one man||#islamic #qoutes #couple Don't worry||#islamic #qoutes Force yourself to get up for salat al Fajr||#islamic #qoutes Allah knows when the time is right||#islamic #qoutes WHEN ALLAH||#islamic #qoutes This kind of loyalty?||#islamic #qoutes #couple The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)was asked, which type of women is the best?||#islamic #qoutes #couple You Can Hide All Sins You Commit In Private From the World.||#islamic #qoutes People will hurt You without a doubt||#islamic #qoutes Successful marriage is when your partner rich?||#islamic #qoutes #couple Trust Allah plan||#islamic #qoutes Everything happens for a reason||#islamic #qoutes When sadness fills your heart and tears flow in your eyes.||#islamic #qoutes Wallahi start preparing for Ramadan||#islamic #qoutes Don't be too hurry in love.||#islamic #qoutes #couple If someone is totally toxic and they are bothering your mental||#islamic #qoutes You must say Alhamdulillah||#islamic #qoutes Don't let anyone tell you that you're a failure||#islamic #qoutes Allah Almighty||#islamic #qoutes She prays for him||#islamic #qoutes #couple Never let anyone tell you that you're useless||#islamic #qoutes Every Secret in Your mind and Heart.||#islamic #qoutes Focus||#islamic #qoutes oh AllahI tried I tried||#islamic #qoutes Wallahi I promise You||#islamic #qoutes She's a girl, who always wears a smile on her face|#islamic #qoutes And then one day||#islamic #qoutes #couple The struggles and pain will end.||#islamic #qoutes