in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Wow- uhm- hi? It’s been a while and I’m sorry I haven’t been uploading. It’s been like a year, I know. I don’t even know if anyone remembers me but well, I’m back!
Sorry I was gone for a while I was dealing with personal issues, but now I’m better and finally willing to maybe take up doing YouTube again. I’d need some encouragement but I believe I can do it. I love you guys.
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Welp- i was making a video in WCUE but now ROBLOX is down…OF COURSE IT IS. Anyways, sorry but i will finish it soon.
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Im sorry that i haven’t been posting, I’ve been busy with school as well as been practicing editing and drawing. I may start posting daily content again but only the future will tell. I’ve also been playing on WCUE (Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition) and i’m wondering if you guys would like to see me post videos on that or if you want me to keep doing Gacha Club content.
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Hello, NovaWolf here, i will in fact be changing my username just because i don’t preferably like the one i have currently, instead I’ll change it to ArcuateTuna, hope you understand and i love you all UwU
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Hello! What do you think the name of this Pyramid should be? Me and my friends hold meetings in it and we thought on Blackman but what are your ideas?
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I wish to make people laugh and smile when they watch my videos, i want to make poeple make people happy. I try and keep them age appropriate but at the sam time funny. This is my passion, i love doing this, it’s what i love to do.