The Conscious Coach, Liz Atherton, creator of the PsycheIQ® Alignment Method, helps Professionals who struggle with Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm to Shift their Challenges into Opportunities and Build a Life they're Proud of.
The PsycheIQ® Alignment Method opens your conscious awareness to govern all aspects of yourself by:
- releasing stress, anxiety & overwhelm
- reducing external pressures by evaluating and aligning to your true needs
- remove unhelpful behavioural patterns
- remove self sabotaging responses
- remove abandonment and rejection blocks
- remove limiting beliefs from old trauma
- remove lingering negative emotions from the past
And shift to:
- embracing all the voices and their agenda in your mind
- helpful self-serving and self-loving boundaries
- create true self-worth and self-esteem
- making you feel loved and accepted within and externally
- thrive to live a happier, healthier and fullfilling life.
For more information, book a THRIVE Guidance session today!