in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Beloved, this morning as I woke up I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak: "Daughter labor to bring forth!!" I felt like a women in birth pains! Then the Lord gave me this verse: "Most assuredly, I say to you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; and you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy. A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a man child has been born into the world. Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.” John 16:20-22
As I meditated upon this verse God spoke: My bride is in the birth pains of delivery to bring forth!! There is coming a time of trail and great persecution to the body of Christ, many are falling away, many hearts have turned cold, many will have to suffer to defend the faith of Jesus in this hour... but be strong and labor to bring forth. These are the pains of childbirth for my bride, the sufferings for my bride shall bring forth the coming of the Lord Messiah and He shall return to this earth and reign in Jerusalem; Israel forever more!! Our birth pains in this hour are in the closet of prayer, fasting, walking in obedience, holiness and standing un moveable for the gospel of Jesus Christ!
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The Lord said He would pour out His Spirit in the end times and His people would have dreams and visions. Beloved, the dream I had in August 2014 is coming to pass exactly as I dreamed it because God declares to us the beginning to from the end. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega!
You dont want to miss hte details of the dream as well as the latest of what the Holy Spirit is revealing to me to tell His people that we can be prayerful, equipped and alert to end time events.
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Psa 63:1-5 KJV
A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah.
1. O God, thou [art] my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;
2. To see thy power and thy glory, so [as] I have seen thee in the sanctuary.
3. Because thy loving kindness [is] better than life, my lips shall praise thee.
4. Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.
5. My soul shall be satisfied as [with] marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise [thee] with joyful lips: 6 When I remember thee upon my bed, [and] meditate on thee in the [night] watches.
King James Version, (Ps 63:1-5
v 1. My soul thirst for Thee
David is expressing His deep hunger for more of God while roaming through the dessert fleeing for his life from King Saul. The dessert is a dry place, barren, empty of any life or future promise. In David's time of great hardship, his need for God's protection and presence was a fervent cry. From the depths of His heart He recognized only God could satisfy the longing of His soul to be close to God. His thirst could not be quenched by natural means, but by experiencing the Holy Spirit's abiding presence to sustain Him in times of danger. I have recognized that it is the desert seasons of life when God has been more tangible, and close. God is closer in our deepest need more than when we are on the mountain top seasons of life. He will meet you as you cry out to Him with ALL you heart. During these times, that is when your spirit is truly calling, deep unto deep. This verse reminds us of God's faithfulness to respond as He has in times past when we need Him the most. Truly, when we search for Him in our trials with all of our hearts, we shall find Him. I am reminded of the the verse that says, “The sacrifices of God [are] a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.” (Psa 51:17) KJV Beloved, God will never leave you through your deepest trials, He will never leave you nor forsake you.
V 2. To see thy power and thy glory
David remembered previous experiences of the Lord's visitations when he encountered the
power of the Holy Spirit and how those times anchored His faith by witnessing Gods's glory. We all need miracles, and we experience them when we get a fresh glimpse of Him. I have never forgotten those times when great miracles of the Lord's deliverance occurred in my life because they strengthened my faith to trust God again.
V 3. My lips shall praise Thee
Praise is awakened like a flowing fountain as we remember God's goodness and what He has done for us in the past seasons. The bible declares, “he that is forgiven much, loves God much”. Actually those who are more frequently recipients of His mercy have more to be thankful for. This is certainly the case in my life and a great encouragement for you beloved, that praise is only as far away as your memory of God's goodness. So let us be thankful for He deserves all our praise! Let praise arise, for it is at that place that God inhibits the praises of His people.
V 4. I will lift up my hands in Thy Name
Praise is not only vocal but when it erupts from deep within us it causes our hands also to be lifted in praise. My desire is that I may worship God with all that is within me. Jesus instructs us to worship Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. To do so, our hands will also be raised in praise to our beautiful King. I am sure you can recount many reasons to lavish your praise upon Him
and as you lift up Holy hands to the Lord. You will experience your spiriit man more open and positioned to receive His blessing which rains down from Heaven.
V 5. My soul shall be satisfied with marrow and fatness
David is expressing the benefits of praising God in times of trial accomplished for his soul. He has experienced being fat, enriched, and fully satisfied. I have also experienced that after times of rich fellowship, worship and prayer with God. Many times, I have felt like I have eaten a large meal and I am totally full! Beloved, If you are weak, in need of God’s comfort, peace, deep abiding consolation in a time of trial, God's Word encourages us to praise Him in the midst of the difficulty. The results concluding with this promise that the Lord will truly satisfy you. He can and will meet your every need so you can rejoice! Jesus is telling us today, what He told the Samaritan woman at the well in John chapter 4:24. He said, “My father is seeking those who will worship God in Spirit and in truth.” The reason? That He may quench your thirst and fill you up like a deep fountain of LIVING WATER'.
Juennine Fox
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I woke up Saturday morning and lifted my hands in prayer. Immediately I heard this old hymn loudly coming up from my spirit man. This is a song that I have rarely sung or remembered!!
More amazing was the portion of the song which began to play in my hearing! It was not the beginning of the song nor did it start with the chorus , but with the last verse!!
Beloved, Jesus coming is imminent! Is it well with your soul? Are you ready to meet the Lord when the trumpet sounds?
Come to Jesus today. Give your heart to Him. His arms are open wide to all who call upon Him.
And Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight.
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll.
The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend
Even so, it is well with my soul.
It is well, ( It is well )
With my soul, (With my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
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A divine sign and message from the Holy Spirit.
On Monday, September 26, 2022, I was visited by a white dove in my living room. That dove is my friend and she stays directly outside my window. A lot of doves have left this area where I live but this dove has stayed. She has found a place just above my window on the air condition. I know that she is like a personal guardian because she sits close to my wall outside my window. I am confident that this is a prophetic sign from God to let me know that Jesus loves me and that the Holy Spirit is watching over me.
In the past, when doves have come inside my house through the open door, it's really a struggle to get them out because of the glass window. They bang their wings on the glass because they can not tell the difference between what is glass or the outside. We don't have that problem anymore since my dove through trial and error knows not to come inside the house.
It's important that you know this background to understand what happened 3 days ago. My windows were open when all of a sudden my friend dove came by the window in the living room and started hitting very hard with her beak. She did it to all the windows. She was banging her beak against the glass. It's like she was trying to communicate, "Let me in! Let me in!" I immediately felt in my spirit that the Holy Spirit was saying He wants to come in!
I had forgot about this incident when three days after that on September 26, 2022, something happened. I had my windows open just like how I open it on regular days for air flow. All of a sudden, the dove flew inside the house and in my living room. She was hovering her wings and flying all over me! She did that for a while and then decided to fly out through the same window she came in which has never happened before. She flew in, she flew out, which communicated the Holy Spirit saying to His bride, "I'm here to get you, now, you need to run out and follow me! Run out and follow me!". Immediately I heard the Lord respond, "Remember the message that I told my bride," The Bridegroom comes, go out to meet Him!".
This has been a divine sign from heaven! I know that the Lord is saying, "The rapture is imminent" and that "I'm getting ready to come!" I'm shaking because this is a Holy Spirit moment and my heart won't stop pounding. Then the Holy Spirit spoke, "Go quickly to your phone and note the time. I want you to see what time she flew out." The time read 2:22 PM. There is much prophetic significance from the number 222. One, it is showing 22 for 2022, and there are many verses of scripture in the twenty second verse, which reveal, the rapture event and a resurrection from the dead! See our video for more on the significance of 2:22!
Well, I thought this should get you excited, beloved! Just another sign indicating the Lord's imminent return.
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Beloved! We need to pray for America who is now entering a season of God's accelerated judgements. Two years ago, the Lord told me a season of civil unrest was coming upon the land and the beginning of a food famine. On March 18th, 2020, I woke up to hear the voice of the Lord speak this message three times, “Blasted before the east wind.” Immediately, I saw an open vision of one stock of fresh ripe corn being plucked up from the roots in fertile soil and then scattered before the east wind by the Ruach ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit. The Lord showed me in the vision that a time of severe famine, beginning with the destruction of crops was beginning upon farm land in America. This would create an economic food shortage. I sensed parallel to the vision in the Bible of Joseph's visions of famine, that one stock of corn represented a year time period before that famine would reach its extremity.
Beloved, this vision was a foreshadowing of the Lord's judgements which are now being triggered by sin in the land. This vision is playing out in the current food shortage in America. Suppliers are not able to get their products to the stores. International shipments are being delayed and food shelves are becoming empty. This is a direct confirmation of the vision God showed me two years ago. Only repentance and a turning back towards Jesus Christ by holiness and righteousness can avert further destructive judgements. Beloved, would you join me in prayer for a turning back to God in America and throughout the nations of the world? The only hope is revival! (Joel 2:15-20)
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The Camels are Coming!
Beloved, for this week's devotion, the Lord gave me Genesis chapter 24, about the story of Abraham sending his servant out to find a wife for his son Isaac. I love this story because I believe there is a lot of symbolism in it that is applicable to where we are today. One of the things that stood out to me was that Isaac is a type and shadow of Yeshua our Saviour, Jesus.
The servant, a symbolic type of the Holy Spirit, goes out to find Rebecca and finds her watering the camels. He asked her, "Will you give me a drink"? Isn't that the same thing Jesus said to the Samaritan woman at the well in John chapter 4? He said, "Would you give me a drink?". Now, the servant says, a type of the Holy Spirit to you today, "Would you give me a drink?" Notice the Lord is asking us to give Him an offering in exchange of the offering He gave you over 2,000 years ago of His beloved son Jesus! God gave an unmeasurable gift that we can never pay back. All He ask of us in this present time is to donate our lives in service to Him and pour out our love as an offering of worship. Rebecca doesn't only give him a drink, but she waters eleven of his camels. If you know anything about the ancient traditions of Israel, it would take gallons and gallons of water to wash just one camel.
This story is speaking of a woman who has a servant's heart. She loves God, and she loves God's people. She serves, beyond the call of duty. Rebecca is the type of the bride of Christ and Jesus is coming back for His bride. Rebecca's service is a perfect example of the qualities the Lord is looking for in His bride.
The servant's mission is to bring Rebecca to Isaac as a bride to be married. As she waters His camels, he believes the Lord has given him the sign that Rebecca is the one who should marry Isaac. He gives her several things: Number one, he gives her a Golden earring of a half shekel of weight, two bracelets for her hand, and ten shekels of gold.
Isn't that what the Holy Spirit has done for us when we asked Jesus to come into our heart? He's given us precious gifts, the nine gifts of the Spirit that we can enjoy and glorify Him while He's on this earth. He gives us gold. The gift of eternal redemption, and the promise of an inheritance that we're going to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
The servant asked her "Will you come?" And he initiates the drawing up the Ketubah which is a marriage contract. Her family asked her, "Will you go with this man?" She agrees. And that's an example of the words, "I do". That's what we must each do to ask Jesus to come into our heart. To accept Him as our Lord and Savior we must say, "Yes Lord, we are going to follow you Jesus."
This is the last verse I want to focus on. The servant took Rebecca. Isaac, on the other hand, came by the well of Lahai Roi, for he dwelt in the south country. Isaac went to meditate in the field in the evening. He lifted up his eyes and he saw the camels were coming. When Rebecca saw him, she lighted off her candle, almost fainting because he was so beautiful. Beloved, when we see Jesus face to face, He is going to be beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words!
In conclusion, Isaac going into the field represents Jesus coming back into the world to get His bride in the evening time, a time of great darkness. The camels represent the angels who will usher us home to safety. Isaac took her into his mother's tent and married her. That's us, coming to heaven when we marry our beloved Jesus, and have that marriage supper.
The Lord spoke to my Spirit while reading this chapter that the camels are coming! Lord wants you to know that the camels are coming to pick you up to take you to be with Jesus! No eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has it entered into our heart the things that God has prepared for us because He loves us and I cannot wait to see him face to face. There are so many things happening in this world, and we know that war has begun. But we know, the prophecy tells us, at the very beginning of World War lll, Jesus comes to take His bride home. So beloved, get ready! The CAMELS ARE COMING!!!
- Juennine Fox
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Hello Beloved!
We just want to give the Lord thanks and praise, and welcome all our new subscribers to our community page. Now, I have the opportunity to be able to communicate with you more regularly!
I have some very interesting news for you! I had a confirmation of the nuke video that I shared last week of a nuclear attack on America. Click the link below to watch the video.
As I was watching TV this week, I saw on the YouTube channel DAHBOO77, a news brief, of our country preparing for a nuclear attack from our enemy. This simulation is being held by 30 agencies in Texas with men in yellow hazmat suits simulating an attack. The same picture I saw on my vision of men wearing the same exact hazmat suit, walking in the dark night, escorting a gigantic green nuclear tank. This video is a direct confirmation of what the Lord showed me of a devastating nuclear attack on America. Here, we see two angles, me seeing Russia load the nuclear tank and getting ready for an attack, and from the perspective of the American government hearing the news, preparing for impact.
Beloved, you don't have to be afraid of these things because we, as Christians, are under the shadow of His wings and He will deliver us from all of it. The bible says, to be absent in the body, is to be present with Christ.
Isn't it amazing when God confirms His word with signs following?
God bless you. Shalom!
Link for the Nuke Video:
Link for the Cofirmation Video:
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