Minnesota Druid in the Twin Cities, founder of Oakdale Grove, an active congregation of the Reformed Druids of North America.
Actual quotes about me from other YouTubers:
"You're such a jerk, hahaha!!! ...creepy voodoo witch doctor!"
● incrediblyawkward (I love incrediblyawkward, her and I go way back!)
"Cute brojoghost! :-)"
"I heard about you through ALEXANDERD0TC0M! DUH."
"Adorable, but creepy"
"I like your style. It was dramatic in a subtle way"
"I love it"
"Thank you for that creepiness"
"you either have to be out of your mind or have nuts of steel"
"I must be hooked. What is this power you have?"
In my older videos you may see references to The Ravenwood Gang, which got its name from a college dormitory, Ravenwood Hall back in 2004. Whoever happens to be around when I'm making a video became part of the Ravenwood Gang.